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Here We Go

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    Here We Go

    I was discussing what I considered to be my issues with alcohol with a friend the other night, (At a bar, of course) and my desire to get my drinking under control. He said, why not just quit right now? Well, I didn't. A solid week of 8-10 beers per night went by. I'm done with it. Have to be. Can't afford it $ wish, health wise, brain wise, relationship wise..... Just must get it under control. I aspire to moderation, as the flavor of a good beer (or really, anything!) is great! But i just can't keep spending $100 wk on something that makes me feel like shit in the morning, alienates me from my boys, makes me stupid, and makes me fat!

    I like this site, (I have been hanging out here abit lately, even 7 beers into it) it seems more user friendly, and frequented than other sites I saw. I look forward (with trepidation) to having some help in holding me in check.

    Thanks (I hope)

    Here We Go

    :welcome: MESailor!

    Glad you found us. You will find a lot of support here! We all can relate to your post. Keep checking in and I know you will find the strength to change your life.

    You may want to check out the Monthly Moderation Forum if you are planning on moderating. The program does suggest you try to abstain from drinking for 30 days before trying moderating. Another good suggestion is for you to check out the MWO book. It can be downloaded for a very small price off of this website. It is a good read and can help you.


      Here We Go

      Hi MEsailor: You brought up many good reasons as to why you should stop drinking or at least cut down. The best you can do is Just Do It! or at least Try! In a short amount of time you will feel good about yourself both mentally and physically. You will also save some money. Use that extra money towards something for you, or for a fun activity. Drinking home alone or in bars is getting old. There's more to life. I wish you the best and am here to support you. -Reenie
      September 23, 2011


        Here We Go

        :welcome: Hello and welcome to the site. I'm relatively new to the site too. Joined end of September and have had some success. Out of the past 46 days I haven't had any alcohol for 42 of them. Which is pretty amazing considering I drank every night for over 16 years. I think you will find the help you need here. There are people who are very willing to share their stories, information, knowledge and lend support and encouragement to you. The one thing it takes that they can't provide is the desire on your part to change. I wish you all the best. Keep coming back, reading the posts, and posting as much as you need.



          Here We Go

          Small goals...

          Hey Sailor;

          I am a newbie here too, however I was where you are at about a year ago. I still drink, sometimes every day, but just not as much. I have to work my way to being Alcohol-free, and I am not there yet, but I am working towards it.

          The advice I can give to you at this point is set small, realistic goals for yourself. At this point to go alcohol free seems pretty intimidating. Seriously - this can be either only drink every second night (give your liver a day off!), or else if you can't do that yet, limit yourself to three beers a night. Yup - three. That is it. Drink a glass of water between beers. Drink beer you do not particularly like so you will not drink it as fast or as many. Set a goal of "I don't want to wake up with a hangover tomorrow morning". That is my current goal, and a huge improvement over a few years ago where that was truly impossible.

          Once you reduce the quantity of alcohol in your body for a few months, your brain and your body will get used to this, and then taking the next steps to reducing to where you drink one day a week, or **e-gads* Alcohol free will not seem as intimidating.

          It has seemed to me that there is not one magic bullet for everyone. Each person has their own way of doing this. I hope you find your way, and remember - even if you just reduce your drinking by one beer a week, over time this will diminish to only one beer a week, one a month, one a year, etc.

          Best of luck. Keep reading, and keep posting on how you are doing!!


            Here We Go

            Sailor: I am very glad you found us. I am new here also. I relate to absolutely everything you say. Tired of what a toll this has taken me in every aspect of my life. We will do this!!
            :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


              Here We Go

              ME sailor
              If you want to get out of that hell and become sober,Welcome,We will try to help you in your journey,We can feel your pain.if you want to work hard at it,and you are sick and tired of being sick and tired you can get the gift of sobriety for your self.please don't suffer any more.Stop now and you will be amazed at the person that you really are .You are never alone here,we need you.Gb (me).


                Here We Go

                Hi Sailor and minsk, and welcome. Most of us can relate to what you say.
                Just keep reading and posting, this site can be a life saver. Have you got
                the mwo book? there are lots of tips and good advice in it. I got mine off
                amazon, and it has really helped me.
                Best of luck to you. Paula.

