I started drinking when I was 17 years old. Once I became legal age, I stepped it up to drinking all weekend long.
As I got older, my life became more stressful. Getting older; more job demands; parents getting older; chaotic family life, etc. and I used alcohol to "deal".
All of a sudden, over the last few years, alcohol has begun to cease being "fun" anymore and it seems to be a dependency.
I realize now that everything I do has to have alcohol in it. From going to work to going to the bathroom. I can't even hold a phone conversation without a drink. Can't go to the post office without a drink; basically, can't do ANYTHING without a drink or unless I know I'm on my way to getting one somewhere.
Anyway, that's briefly what I have been going through recently. When I drink to excess, I become angry because I can't drink and feel good anymore and I want to stop. I can become violent and destroy my property; I've been depressed for years because I just CAN'T STOP and I want to.
Check out the AA website, but I can't go to any place like that... everybody looking and judging me. Can't do it.
It doesn't help either watching TV and movies showing people DRINKING! Oh God! What have I gotten myself into?
I know now that I am a full-blown alcoholic and I hope that this book (My Way Out) can lead me out of this life of HELL!
Thanks for reading :thanks: