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Newbies in need ODAT - Monday

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    Newbies in need ODAT - Monday

    Hi everyone

    Hope you all had a good week-end. Did not get near the computer yesterday, it was one of those days!! Went out for a really nice meal with friends on Saturday night. I was driving and had been thinking would I, would I not have half a glass of wine with the meal. Social drinking has never been a problem with me and I have always been very disciplined. Pity I could not do the same at home!! Have to admit that I have not come to terms with the thought of never enjoying a nice wine with a good meal. So I did have the half glass. I sipped and savoured it. Yes, I would have liked more but knew because of the driving I couldnt. Then coffee came around and the feeling passed.

    While I'm disappointed in breaking a great AF stretch, it was a learning experience for me. I stayed AF yesterday and intend to do the same today. I made sure to take all my supplements yesterday and am back listening to the tapes. I know how easy it is to lapse back into old ways.

    Have a great week everyone.


    Newbies in need ODAT - Monday

    good morning!

    Thanks Rustop for starting today's thread!! I, too had such a busy (BEAUTIFUL!) weekend that I couldn't get to the computer, Christmas shopped w/ Mike and Kids, rekindled our relationship (Mike and me!!!) WAS A MUCH NEEDED WEEKEND!!

    I am sooooooooo happy right now, it is like we have just met, and are falling in love all over again, had a date Friday and Sat and Sun we just got to know eachother are thrilled................don't even know how to explain how or why it happened..............

    He is going AF w/ me all week, will stop the pot (or slow down at least!)

    I am just like a teenager again, feel like I am newlywed!!!

    Enough, but at least I have positive messages today, RIGHT!??

    Love you all, wish you luck, Going AF today and til Friday probably, moderated well this past weekend too:h

    Love and hugs!!!!!!!:l

    :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


      Newbies in need ODAT - Monday

      Good Morning Rust and all to follow...
      Just by reading your post I can tell that you will get right back into the program. You are strong and you know what needs to be done. I am on day 7 today and although I have had many starts for some reason this time seems different. I know that I can not drink. I like you. can be good in public, but would drink until I apss out alone. I lock myself in my room to get away from a bad relationship, but only this weekend see what I was doing to my child in the meantime. I hope that by sticking with this I can somehow make up for all the pain I have caused the kids. One is away at college so it may be too late for him .but the 13 year old needs me to be there for him and I intend to from now on. Stay strong as you sound and I think you too will be ok. Good Luck.


        Newbies in need ODAT - Monday

        Hi Everyone (Rustop, Cowgirl, Time2): I'm doing great! We had a wonderful weekend w/our g-sons (4 & 2).

        Rustop: I give you so much credit for having the 1 glass of wine. I've had to come to terms (it was difficult) w/the fact that even 1 w/a nice dinner out would be a trigger for me. My drinking got so out of hand that I wouldn't even risk a sip of anything.

        Cowgirl: It's so nice to hear that you & Mike are on an upswing. It'll be interesting to see what happens if you take alcohol & pot out of the relationship. I don't think we realize what a bad influence it can have. The kids are probably deliriously happy.

        Time2: Give your life some time to adjust to not numbing out w/alcohol. It takes so much time for our brains & bodies to readjust. I'm just beginning to after 73 days AF.

        Good Luck, Mary
        Wisdom, Courage, Strength
        October 3, 2012


          Newbies in need ODAT - Monday

          Hi everyone, I had a nice weekend as well - had a little more to drink than I would have liked but I didn't get drunk or out of control and remember everything so I am not upset with myself - plan on having a nice AF week this week and will go from there - ODAT!

          Cowgal - I'm so glad to hear you are doing so well, I was really worried about you after the post before the weekend - I am really glad to see that things worked out so well!

          Rustop - you always sound so positive, huge inspiration for me.

          Mary and Time2 - it is always nice to read about your days as well - I love to see how we are all doing on a daily basis.

          To all that follow have a great day!
          Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


            Newbies in need ODAT - Monday

            Good Morning all,

            I had a great weekend. Did lots of X-mas stuff, decorated the tree with my husband and father, we all had lunch listening to x-mas music with our beautiful tree in the background. The only downfall was I had some wine, didn't get drunk but had more than I consider acceptable. I was on day 5 so I'm a little disappointed. I actually got some bad news yesterday evening, which had nothing to do with my wine consumption. My sister called. My niece has been diagnosed with schizophenia. My poor sister. I cried with her. Today I'm AF.

            So, Mary thank-you so much for your wisdom. I can't tell you how much I appreciate you checking on us every morning. I look forward to your posts. Thanks for caring.

            Cowgirl, I'm so happy for you.

            Time2change, well done on day 7.

            Hi Bessie!

            Have a great week. I'll be here tomorrow.


              Newbies in need ODAT - Monday

              Hi everyone,
              I'm feeling much better after my bout of flu. Everyone sounds
              optimistic. I think you did really well to have just the one glass
              of wine, I could never do it. Sorry about your niece RN, modern
              meds for treatment of schizophrenia are very good, I know a depot
              injection fortnightly is successful.


                Newbies in need ODAT - Monday


                I am here with you.


                Big hugs :l :l

                You are doing well. K?

                Love you SO MUCH!!!!!,

                The rest, sorry, but Paula needs so much love right now. A LOT Let's send it to her, Okay"???

                Love (and this does not come from the basal from from the occidpital),
                AF April 9, 2016


                  Newbies in need ODAT - Monday


                  We are all here for you, as you have been for me................KNOW that we all care, no matter what!:h :h

                  love :h and hugs,:l

                  :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                    Newbies in need ODAT - Monday

                    Hi all, checking in and I am sorry to hear about your niece, FinallyRN. If there are better treatments out now, and there probably are, like Paula says, you can feel hopeful that she will have good results.

                    Cowgal you sound so good, it is great to read!! Things are looking up!

                    Rustop you did well to mod, and took extra precautions. I was moderating well until Sunday, that is my new danger day.
                    The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.


                      Newbies in need ODAT - Monday

                      Danger Day/Situations, etc.

                      I don't post very often, however, I'm beginning to think I need to!! As I write this, I'm a bit hungover from last night. I'm --once again-- quite ashamed of myself. In any case, I trust we've all been there. I'm wondering what you all do to overcome the so called "danger days?" In my case, I was AF since the 30th of November. When I'm at home, with my fiance, I'm ok and able to overcome the cravings, etc; but, as soon as I leave for my work (I'm on the road quite a bit) I break down and can't seem to maintain a 'good thing.' I'm curious how you all deal with this?

                      Sorry if I'm distracting the conversation...really wanting to make this work. Thanks...
                      Working on it... AF as of...[sigh]. is all that matters.


                        Newbies in need ODAT - Monday

                        good luck

                        Resolute, you can do this!!! Stick around, post and read as much as possible!:welcome:

                        You will be supported and loved beyond measure at this place!


                        :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                          Newbies in need ODAT - Monday

                          Thank you...I'll be 'on the road' for the next 10 days. I'm going to make it all AF!! It seems the first night away from home is the worst/most tempting for me. Feel like crap once again...apparently this isn't enough to prevent me from doing this!! Unbelievable...

                          Thinking of the rest of you and how've you done so regards!!
                          Working on it... AF as of...[sigh]. is all that matters.


                            Newbies in need ODAT - Monday

                            Hi all.

                            Welcome Resolute. That name has such great strength.

                            And a big hello to Finally RN - so nice of you to remember me. Made me feel loved and noticed. You just knew I would be on here some time today didn't you!! For my fix!

                            And big hugs for Paula :l :l :l Hope that helps! I don't really know you but if you need it, you have it.

                            Cowgal - your post sounds so positive - I really cross everything for you and hope things go well.

                            Reteacher. I WILL be like you one day! It will take a while but its the way to go.

                            Stress is my enemy at the moment. It does bugger me up. I need some but not this much.

                            Bessie xx


                              Newbies in need ODAT - Monday

                              Bessie, you are the best! You start the thread and we are able to share our good days and bad. This is the thread that I come to mostly to check in and be honest. :h :h
                              The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.

