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Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday

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    Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday

    Good morning everyone

    Just thought I'd check in quickly before I have to dash off for the rest of the day. I'm involved in meals on wheels and we are getting the xmas hampers ready for delivery so that will take up most of the morning and then my girls are finished school early and they have a list of things they want to do. Thankfully only two more school days left. I am really looking forward to the rest.

    Hope you all have a great Wednesday.


    Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday

    Good morning all. Rustop, good for you for doing meals on wheels, did that for my mom during her last year, was a godsend. That's what the holiday season is all about.

    Hope all who stop in here today have a great one.

    I am joining Teardrop today to say no to AL.
    :h :h :h


      Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday

      Good Morning to everyone.

      Rustop-that is a great organization and good for you to be a volunteer.

      Suki- Have a great day AF. I will be joining you. Today is day 9 for me(if I 'm counting right). This would have seemed so impossible even a month ago. You all are so insipiring that I can not thank you enough for being here for me.

      Have a great day everyone.


        Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday

        Good morning to you all,

        I will be going Christmas caroling tonight with the cub scouts, should be fun.

        I had a rough night last night, wanted a beer soooo bad, I thank God, I didn't though, kept praying to him to take the urge away and thankfully he did. It also does not help I didn't come here at all yesterday, Big Mistake!!

        Hopefully I will be busy enough today to keep the urges away, good af day to you all.

        :l Twosox


          Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday

          Morning all
          Rustop, you have the true meaning of the holiday spirit, I can just imagine how you must be looking forward to that holiday school break with the girls.

          Suki, good for you in saying "NO" to Al, get out that big stick if you have to!, anything to keep him away.

          Time - Wow, almost double digits!!! should be so proud of yourself.

          Hope everyone has a great alcohol free day!
          sobriety date 11-04-07


            Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday

            Must of posted at the same time, Enjoy your caroling tonite, sounds like fun. Stay close to the boards if you can, we are here for you. Good for you on passing on that urge..we can do this!!!
            sobriety date 11-04-07


              Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday

              good morning!

              Hey all:

              Thanks Rustop, for starting the thread AND meals on wheels, that is an awesome feeling, to vollunteer!! good for you

              Suki, you are doing so well, I am with ya today, day 3 af, no way AL!!

              Time2 change, I was wondering how many days you had af, WOW, that is all I can say, you are doing great, I know your circumstances and don't know if I could do it, stay strong!!!:h

              2socks, YOU DIDN'T DRINK!!!! that is awesome, to go through all that and NOT give in!! You should be proud of yourself and grateful to GOD for helping you stay sober!!! Good job!!!:goodjob:

              Hey Charlie, I love your festive Avatar and posts!!!

              I am on day 3 today, feeling good, taking "LIFE" ODAT!!!, gotta!! or it will drive me nutso!!

              Love you guys, will check in later, have a boring day..........................

              :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday

                Everyone is so positive today. It's heartwarming. I'm doing well but have a cold. I'm pretty much finished w/Christmas shopping so will lay low & take care of myself. Good luck everyone w/your goals. Mary
                Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                October 3, 2012


                  Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday

                  Good morning all,
                  Time2change......good for you! Especially this time of year with so many temptations and get togethers. I'm looking forward to the New Year just so I can have some quiet. I love the holidays but its too busy. I'm doing well but have 2 more x-mas parties to go to, my husband B-day party and then of course New Years.
                  Thinking of you all. You guys keep me going!


                    Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday

                    Hi guys, I'm having a really crappy day - work is really brutal right now and then Joe sends me a nice email outlining 4 options for what we can do tonight, one of which is taking me out for a nice dinner and then taking me shopping to buy me a pre Christmas gift. Well of course thats the one I want but knowing that he doens't have a lot of money right now I don't want to automatically choose that option so I emailed back saying, whatever you want to do tonight is fine. Which then ticked him off, because he wanted me to choose that option and now I have wrecked his nice surprise for me and blah blah blah.........AUGH - like why do they always have to play games and make things so bloody difficult. Just say, I'd like to take you to a nice dinner and take you shopping? Why give me 4 options so then I feel guilty if I pick the nice one? Seriously..............and then get upset if I say that I don't care what we do tonight...........

                    I swear, I will never understand men........

                    Just not a good day. I just can't wait for the holidays to be over. It can really be too overwhelming sometimes, it's so busy, everyone is so stressed, work is always so busy - and the worst part is, at work come January we have a bunch of new changes coming so it's just going to get worse! ah, the things I have to look forward to - thank god I have you guys.
                    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                      Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday

                      another species

                      I agree, they are another species, BUT that is sometimes what attracts us to them and vice versa(!??!?) Sorry that happened, but don't let it TOTALLY ruin your day, can you find an inkling of positivity??

                      Been where you are guys can RUIN days, weeks, even if it is just a little thing.................sorry, hope you are ok:l

                      I will be thinking about you tonight, won't probably check in because of my "species".........paranoid schyzophrenic (new song out by the way, pretty good if you like new music!)

                      Love you,:h please be ok!!!lease:

                      :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                        Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday

                        Good morning/evening everyone...not much time to post or even read all the posts over the next couple of days.

                        All seems well w/ everyone...continued success!!
                        Working on it... AF as of...[sigh]. is all that matters.


                          Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday

                          All my dear ODAT friends,

                          This night finds me so tired that I simply cannot go back and say wonderful, inspiring and insightful things to all of you.

                          However, please know, and I do mean this, that all of you are so dear to me and I pray you are doing well.

                          I am doing fine, just tired.

                          Love to all and hopefully tomorrow morning I will be back to the "old" Cindi. (Okay, I know, I truly am old but wtf!!)

                          AF April 9, 2016


                            Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday

                            Cowgal, so excited that you are sounding so FABULOUS!!

                            Universal, having a pretty crappy day myself. Was going to do AF1 again, got home and found an envelope with copies off all of the legal filings that my lawyer filed in response to the lawsuit that the sleazy real estate agents who sold my late mom's condo, who have been friends of the family for 40 years are bringing against me.

                            they want a bigger commission. Some friends of the family they are. Hard seeing it on paper in black and white. Walked up to my best friend's house and had a few drinks.

                            Didn't overdo it, but didn't go AF. I know that my attitude towards AL has changed dramatically since I discovered all of you, but hate these bumps in the road, that make me feel like I need a drink. One thing that has changed, is that I now no longer have any al or wine in my place.

                            Hopefully, tomorrow I'll be AF.

