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Newbies in need ODAT - Thursday

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    Newbies in need ODAT - Thursday

    Morning all.

    Last post for a while as I am off away for a few days and can't see that I'll be getting anywhere near a PC. (will be getting near a beach though!!)

    I'm not doing very well at all at the moment with AF or moderating but instead of feeling despairing like I used to, I just know I can get back on track with the help of here and the supps. I really do need to focus on it though, and at this time of year it is difficult. I know my enemy now so much better than I did before and I know what my trigger points are, my weaknesses and the best plans for me. That's a huge help in itself.

    I hope everyone is doing well, feeling well and has a very happy Christmas.

    See you after.

    Bessie xx

    Newbies in need ODAT - Thursday

    Good morning all! More snow to come today.

    Bessie, have a great time on your holiday. To walk on a beach barefoot, how wonderful!

    This is a tough time for a lot of people. All the court papers arrived yesterday, shouldn't have read them last night.

    So are so right about knowing your enemy better by being here. So do I. That will make it easier for us now.

    Happy holidays to all. Looking forward to 2008 and success with our goals.

    Suki xxx


      Newbies in need ODAT - Thursday

      Hi Bessie and all to come

      Enjoy your time away Bessie. Your MWO friends will be here waiting for you when you get back. I too will find it difficult to get to a pc over the next few weeks but will pop in to say a quick hello whenever I get the chance. As you say Bessie having that support there when we need it helps us get back on track.

      Have a great Christmas and wishing you and everyone else all the best in 2008.



        Newbies in need ODAT - Thursday


        Rustop, Bessie, Suki, GOOD MORNING.....................have a nice few days Bessie, yep, holidays are tough, family here LOVES to drink, going mexican tonight ( The marguerita is already calling my name!? ) I am hoping that if I give in the Campral will work and help me not love it so much!?

        Having a huge bonfire tomorrow night as well, so I know I will drink (the happy hostess that I will be:H ) I am really looking forward to seeing some good friends we haven't seen for a while! The weather (I hope) will be PERFECT for it!! Rain today, that will help, but we always have a water hose close by, this years is going to be HUGE!! It should be nice and cool too..................... Fun, fun, fun!!!

        Anyway, will check in..............hope everyone to follow is doing well today:h

        love and hugs!!!!

        :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


          Newbies in need ODAT - Thursday

          Hiya ALL,
          Bessie: have a blinding holiday and we will be there for you when you get back.
          Suki: i would live to have some snow at xmas then i will not be able to drive to inlaw.:H
          Rustop: know the feeling cant get on the pc . They all seem to hog the pc, no chance for me.
          Cowgal: Have a nice time and hope eveything goes well with your knee opp, keep us posted.

          Today 1day AF, but one of my private client give me extra xmas money and a bottle of wine.:upset: now this time i did not bye that bottle of wine! I need to get myself a new,
          mp3 player, only had the other one not even two years lost without it,use it a lot at work or if i need to switch of when things are getting to loud at home.

          Have a lovely xmas ALL Hope the New Year 2008 bring you good luck and happiness.:h
          family is everything to me


            Newbies in need ODAT - Thursday

            Hi Everyone: It seems there's a lot of optimism on this thread. Is that Christmas spirit I detect? Mary
            Wisdom, Courage, Strength
            October 3, 2012


              Newbies in need ODAT - Thursday

              I see a lot of optimism on the thread too - even though we are struggling with AF or mods through the holidays I love that we are not beating ourselves up over it. It looks like we are all finding our triggers and our stress points and the support we are showing each other is really helping all of us to keep our hopes up and to stay positive!

              Know what I have to say? KUDOS to us!!!

              Merry Christmas to all!

              Love you guys,
              Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                Newbies in need ODAT - Thursday

                I LOVE this am thread. I look forward to it every morning to see how everyone is doing. I love that we are forming a friendship/ relationship that is so special. We understand each other, support each other, no judgement just well wishes. I can't tell you how that helps me every day.
                Last night I went out with my closest friend, had wine but only a glass. I have to be careful though, I seem to get cocky after a "controlled" night and think I can handle anything and fall. Al's a sneaky little devil.
                I've been so busy I haven't been able to post. I'm off to work............X-mas cheer to all.


                  Newbies in need ODAT - Thursday

                  Hello everyone,

                  I stepped away from ODAT for a little bit, since I was having wine every night since Friday ...Not sure what got into me....guess it was AL...he got the best of me. Don't like to drink and post. I really feel that posting does help in our effort to go AF, so tonight I choose not to drink. And tonight I'll be back on to read, read, and read some more.

                  Bessie, I think you should get your self a "traveling laptop" so we don't miss your posts...that sure would be a nice Christmas present to yourself :H

                  The sun is finally out in New Jersey..... melt that ice :rays:

                  Hope everyone has a good day today !
                  Miss October :blinkylove:


                    Newbies in need ODAT - Thursday

                    Good Morning Everyone,
                    It is good to hear that everyone is very optimistic and positive. Today is day 10AF for me and I couldn't have done this without all of you. By the way I think I may have picked up a new addiction.........reading these posts. Thank you to each and everyone of you who have already changed my life for the better.


                      Newbies in need ODAT - Thursday

                      Nice to hear everyone sounding so upbeat. This time of the year especially can bring on added stressors to our already busy lives. By sticking together and supporting each other we can all look forward to a happy healthy 2008.
                      sobriety date 11-04-07


                        Newbies in need ODAT - Thursday

                        Xmas Heat

                        LR here,

                        Was AF 4 over 3 weeks then lost it. Very alone and sad. Xmas here, day one again. The heat here is impossible to deal with.
                        Trying hard. 2Morrow is another day.

                        Long Road
                        Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission--
                        Eleanor Roosevelt


                          Newbies in need ODAT - Thursday

                          Hi LR and waving back at ya.

                          I'm down south - heat not so bad but humidity horrendous.

                          Yup. Make tomorrow another day. Well done on the 3 weeks.

