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Newbies in Need - ODAT - Fri.

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    Newbies in Need - ODAT - Fri.

    I'm struggling w/a cold but otherwise fine. I hope everyone (newbies etc.) is going toward the goal (mod or abs). This will be my first abs holiday season ever (as far as I can remember). Mary
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012

    Newbies in Need - ODAT - Fri.

    Hope your cold clears up before Christmas. Congratulations on a AF Christmas and New Year's.

    Good Morning to all of you who check in here today. Hope you all reach your goal for today.

    I'm at 11 days AF. Was counting wrong, but now I'm all straightened out. I can't beleive I have gone this long without AL. I never would have beleived it was possible, but I am determined to follow in the footsteps of those who have already beat this.

    Good luck to all of you. I know that this is a very stressful time, but wish you all a happy, healthy and AF Christmas!!!!


      Newbies in Need - ODAT - Fri.

      just back

      just got done w/ all my pre-op stuff(bloodwork, ECG etc) Now I am ready to have a bonfire!!!

      Glad to see you guys here, good luck on whatever you choose, AF or mod, tonight I am going to moderate, so I can function and have fun tomorrow

      Everyone have a good day, just wanted to say HI!!!

      love and hugs :h

      :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


        Newbies in Need - ODAT - Fri.

        Hi all, happy Friday, hope you all are not stressing over Christmas or operations or allowing anything to make us crazy! I know it is not easy but we have to put ourselves first. Reteacher I am sorry you have that cold! I hope you feel better soonest. Time2change, congrats on 11 days AF! That is a very big achievement, when I get 11 days I'll be dancing in the streets, and I mean when, not if, and I look up to all of you. Cowgal you sound real good, after your surgery you'll be dancing too. Have a great day!
        The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.


          Newbies in Need - ODAT - Fri.

          Hi everyone, hope you soon feel better Mary, I am still getting over flu, so I know how you feel. Glad you are doing ok Cowgal, well done on 11 days Time2, Suzanna keep on trying,
          I agree we do have to put ourselves first, sobriety whether mods or af is most important.
          I haven't thought about a drink for some time, the flu seems to be a deterrent, but I would
          not recommend it.
          Love to all. Paula. x


            Newbies in Need - ODAT - Fri.

            Reteacher, hope you are feeling better - being sick sucks! Time2Change, congrats on day 11, great job! I'm on day 35 - if I can do it, you (and everyone else here) can too. This will be my first AF free Christmas and New Years was 18 maybe (42 now).

            None of us will ever accomplish anything excellent or commanding except when he listens to this whisper which is heard by him alone (Ralph Waldo Emerson).


              Newbies in Need - ODAT - Fri.

              Mary, Hope you can get rid of that cold within the next few days so you can enjoy the holidays, especially with the grandkids who really must be excited.
              Time, you are doing so well, you should be feeling so proud of yourself....I am.
              Cowgal, enjoy your bonfire tonight.
              Paula, when you get to day 11, let us know, we will dance with you!!
              Pamn, 35 days, big Congrats to are doing so well.
              Mary and Pam, I too will be celebrating my first AF Holiday over 25 years!
              sobriety date 11-04-07


                Newbies in Need - ODAT - Fri.

                25 Years

                Good for U Charlee. Time 2 enjoy Xmas, and even remember it!

                Long Road
                Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission--
                Eleanor Roosevelt

