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Newbies in Need - ODAT - Sun.

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    Newbies in Need - ODAT - Sun.

    Hi New Newbies & Older Newbies:
    For the newest newbies: ODAT means one day at a time. We only have today to be AF. We don't have to worry about the future or regret the past. Just for today, I will not drink.

    We started this thread some time ago, when some of us (myself included) were having some problems staying AF. For me, it was hard to look into a future wo/drinking being there. I realized that I could concentrate my efforts on staying AF today. I've now put some 70 plus AF "todays" together & can look into an AF future. It's not as scary as it once was.

    That's not to say that I'm complacent. I know that I have to guard my sobriety...especially at this time of year. However, I feel hopeful for myself & for my many MWO friends. From the time I came into this program only 8 months ago until now, my life has completely changed.

    Love, Mary
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012

    Newbies in Need - ODAT - Sun.

    Mary, this is probably the earliest start to an ODAT posting since I joined MWO in November. But good for you. And good for me, since I just woke up after having two drinks this afternoon to mask the stress..

    My life has changed in the last month, and I'm so excited, looking forward to the changes that this thread, this site will introduce me to.


      Newbies in Need - ODAT - Sun.

      Suki: This was one of those nights when insomnia just hit, but it's nice to know there's someone else out there in MWO-land. Your words: "mask the stress" really hit me. That's what we do w/alcohol. We mask our feelings, & our whole lives have a sort of muffled quality. It's like we're living through an alcoholic haze.

      That you were able to stop at 2 drinks is an accomplishment. I probably would have drained the whole bottle. I'm glad you have a sense of excitement about your future. MWO has been a miracle. I hope the same for you.

      Wisdom, Courage, Strength
      October 3, 2012


        Newbies in Need - ODAT - Sun.

        I am on day 2 AF (after drinking every day for as long as I can remember: 1-3 bottles of wine) and finding it tough. I started naltrexone today. Not sure how long it takes to kick in. Also taking valium to help with withdrawal. Would really love a pre-bed glass of wine - but once I have one, I may not be able to stop.... Will get through this evening as it's late here (in Australia) and try again tomorrow. Good luck everyone.


          Newbies in Need - ODAT - Sun.

          I gave it to it last Saturday - we had friends over, and I failed. Since then I haven't been on the site. I drank 5 days in a row, and have 2 AF days, this is the 3rd. I wonder how much others drink, AliH, I've never drunk every day, and never more than a bottle at a time. I sometimes wonder if this is really too much, or am I worrying needlessly? But, if I'm concerned about my drinking, then it's a problem. AliH, you will find the site helpful, I have - but I still give in. I'm trying to keep in my mind the idea of a 'journey' , and that one day I'll get there, and I'll never pick up another glass of wine. For now though, it's getting through Christmas. I did it once before, exactly 10 years ago. All the best everyone. Tylyr


            Newbies in Need - ODAT - Sun.

            Good morning everyone, Mary you hit it on the head, I don't want to live with this hazy view anymore. It would be so nice to get 30 days, lose some weight, be able to drive anywhere and take some weekend trips, getting a good night's sleep! I have had quite a few 3 and 4 day AF stretches, I believe I am in line for 30 days in January!! It won't just happen, I have to work it and get through that day 3 or 4 but I am sure I can do it. Suki you gotta be up really early to post first! Welcome AliH and Tylyr.
            The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.


              Newbies in Need - ODAT - Sun.

              The first week is definitely the hardest. After that the craving can sneak up, but there isn't that daily struggle. If you're worried about how much you drink, then you're in the right place w/MWO. I drank a bottle 3 - 5 times per week. I did give myself some AF days to recover. However, after years of denial (do I really have a problem?), I realized that I didn't want alcohol in my life at all. My drinking was progressing. I couldn't let a bottle go into the fridge unfinished. I was blacking out & throwing up fairly regularly. That's not normal drinking. Good luck to all newbies. Mary
              Wisdom, Courage, Strength
              October 3, 2012


                Newbies in Need - ODAT - Sun.

                Mary, sunday morning. I woke up and made a bloody mary. Not good. Being alone and trying to go af is tough, especially during the holidays.

                Did 7, 3, 5 days af. Proud of that, but not proud of the bm this morning.

                It's so comforting to have your experience and advice


                  Newbies in Need - ODAT - Sun.

                  Suki, don't beat yourself up. Getting through the holidays is hard, lord knows I"m struggling right now. But the fact that you keep coming here and posting shows that you are in this for the long haul. We all need each other to get through the rough and the good. That's why this site is so great and why we need to post and to get to know each other. That's how it works, that's how we fight. I have faith Suki, you may be going through a rough patch right now, as am I. In the long run though, we will make it - together with the help of each other and everyone else here.
                  Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                    Newbies in Need - ODAT - Sun.

                    Just want to wish all our ODAT'ers a very happy, safe holiday. I for one am looking forward to getting back to a routine come the first of the year...Be good to yourselves!!!
                    sobriety date 11-04-07


                      Newbies in Need - ODAT - Sun.

                      Good morning all. Had a rough day yesterday. Had lunch with my Dad, REALLY pushed the mod drinking..............didn't pass out, didn't get smashed, but so what, I feel horrible today and I don't mean hungover. I'm just sad. What's the definition of insanity?.........repeating the same excercise over and over again expecting a different outcome?! That's me. As I sit drinking, I wonder why I consume like this. This time of year has always been hard for me, I think its because X-mas has become a burden. Not as enjoyable as it once was. Too busy at work, too busy at home, I'm pulled in all directions and on top of all that I have to shop. At least this year I was strong enough to say "NO" to a lot of social gatherings.
                      Having said all that, I am in a much better place now than I was before MWO. I really mean it. You all have help me tremendously with your support and ear. Mary, thanks for not forgetting us. Have a Merry X-mas all!


                        Newbies in Need - ODAT - Sun.

                        This is such a difficult time of year, but we will prevail. The fact that you are all here sharing is a huge step forward. I've found that w/a sober holiday, I'm filled w/much more Christmas spirit. I think it's because 1. I'm learning to limit my activities to what is manageable and 2. I'm present to what's going alcholic fog. Mary
                        Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                        October 3, 2012


                          Newbies in Need - ODAT - Sun.

                          Mary, thank you for you wisdom,

                          FinallyRN, I know what you mean, I'm sad too. Had a bloody mary this morning, and spent the entire day sleeping. Didn't get anything done on my list of things to do. BUT I did say no to so many social events where i was expected to drink.

                          Universal, thank you so much for your post. I try to pretend that Xmas means nothing to me. But being alone, since my mom died, going to my best friend's house for xmas eve, when every one gets incredibly drunk, it's so hard.

                          You are right about being here, posting, reading. It is such a comfort. I do have faith, like you, that we will succeed. I just didn't think it would be so hard.

                          Happy holidays to you and yours.


                            Newbies in Need - ODAT - Sun.

                            I am just starting today. I am glad I found this site; it is remarkable how everyone sounds just like me!
                            Goal 1: Today
                            Goal 2: Tomorrow


                              Newbies in Need - ODAT - Sun.

                              Welcome Lukalee,
                              You will get all the help and support that you need on this site.

