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Newbees in Need-Monday 12/24/07

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    Newbees in Need-Monday 12/24/07


    Been away for a few days, ashamed of myself, really blew it this weekend, and now I have Christmas to deal with?!??!??! OH soooooo sorry to start the thread off so negatively! BUT, that is what we are here for, I guess!?

    I am not even going to commit to any AF days right now, but will definitely TRY today.....................I have no company today, but tomorrow is full of heavily drinking relatives.................not easy

    Hope everyone can meet their AF goal for the day ODAT!

    Love and hugs to all you guys, you are AWESOME!!!!:h

    :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:

    Newbees in Need-Monday 12/24/07

    been there, done that. Can't wait until the holidays are over,

    So glad we are all here for one another.


      Newbees in Need-Monday 12/24/07

      Cowgirl, Suki,
      know how you feel. Wishing you well.
      Love Paula. xx


        Newbees in Need-Monday 12/24/07

        I'm with ya guys - it is not going to be an AF couple of days for me either - haven't been blowing it too heavily but have been drinking daily for the past 4 days - hard not to when you're with friends and relatives who are all having wine, beer, egg nog etc..........

        Rough time of year. So hey, I figure if I can make it through the holidays without being drunk than I'm doing okay..........ODAT.........

        Love you guys - have a great day tomorrow.
        Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


          Newbees in Need-Monday 12/24/07

          Does anyone else find yourselves making deal with yourself? I tell myself that I can drink on special occasions. But isn't every day one of those? SO then I say I'll drink once a month. Yeah right. Ok, let's do once a week. But I find when I do that I am good for a few days, and then I go on a four day drinking binge. Today is the start of day two AF, and I am so bitchy I feel like I could naw someone's arm off. I have committed to going AF starting January 1st because I cannot stand being such an a hole over the holidays.
          Goal 1: Today
          Goal 2: Tomorrow


            Newbees in Need-Monday 12/24/07

            Lulalee: I too made many bargains w/myself, only to break them soon after. I now know after many, many tries that I will never be a mod drinker, special occasion or not. I cannot drink period! That's just me. Some people come to MWO & learn how to drink moderately. Mary
            Wisdom, Courage, Strength
            October 3, 2012


              Newbees in Need-Monday 12/24/07

              Hello all,

              This will be my first AF Christmas since I was maybe 18 .....I'm 42 now! I'm on day 38 and have made it through several parties and a wedding, so I don't plan to let Christmas be my downfall. I know how difficult it is - we've already been to a party this afternoon and the beer was flowing (those folks should be pretty bombed by tonight!). We're staying in and playing board games and drinking virgin egg nog tonight, and I'm actually looking forward to it! Hang in there everyone, ODAT.


              None of us will ever accomplish anything excellent or commanding except when he listens to this whisper which is heard by him alone (Ralph Waldo Emerson).


                Newbees in Need-Monday 12/24/07

                Hi all, Checking in. Its 2:15 on the Eve and all is well. I'm going to my sister house tonight for dinner. I think I'll be alright since she doesn't drink.......( how did I get that gene?) and I'm not bringing any alcohol.
                This is the hardest time of the year for me..........too much alcohol flying around. But this year I'm more at peace because of you guys!!
                And L33, I promise myself every morning after a big night that I will get help and that I will never touch another drop, but after a few days, I forget how awful I felt, the shakes, the anxiety and mostly the embarrassment. Too bad alcohol clouds our memory, then I'd remember!


                  Newbees in Need-Monday 12/24/07

                  Soom it will be time to face my demons.:fingers:
                  Goal 1: Today
                  Goal 2: Tomorrow


                    Newbees in Need-Monday 12/24/07


                    Hey everyone, it is getting late in the day...............I just wanted to check in w/ you all,,,,,,,,,

                    Merry Christmas Eve:h :h :h

                    :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:

