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Newbie looking for help
Newbie looking for help
:new: Hello all. I just found this most intrieging site totaly through luck. Ive been checking out all sorts of wonder cures for my addiction.(none of which seem to work for me). Ive been a heavy drinker some of my teenage @ all of my adult life.( Aprox 25t years). Last year in november I did a 30 day stint in a awsome rehab center in kelowna bc. I was fixed.( I thought):H I managed to stay AF for aprox 6 months(a world record for me).Then I figured 1 or 2 won't hurt ) It didn't for aprox 1 month. Lately Ive been drinking as much as ever(pretty much every day @ lots).:upset: Now it's time to try something new. Ive been looking over this site for the last couple days and Im very impressed with what ive seem so far. Today ive managed to stay AF for 2@ahalf days eating doing vitamins etc @ feeling half human. It sure would be nice to keep it upIm from around vancouver B.C. @ nead to no if these anticraving drugs etc are available in Canada @ if so were.(Ive never even herd of such a thing before). If someone could answer this for me ide be mighty greatful. Thanks everyone @ lets keap it clean. P.S. WISHING A HAPPY @ SOLBER NEW YEAR TO ALL. Sorry about the grade 8 spelling.Can.t get spell check to work.
There's more to life than success. The greatest success is living well.Tags: None
Newbie looking for help
Kingfisher :welcome: to MWO ......
The Kudzu from here is really good, and i've never used the other stuff but have heard that the L-glut is good too .....
All the best in your journey, but if you really want to kick this then this place can help you ........
All the best in your journey .........
BB xxsigpicXXX
Newbie looking for help
Hi kingfisher,
I'm new here, too. My first day.
I drank through my teen years pretty heavily, in my twenties I had a few years of sobriety, now I'm 38 and looking to turn over a new leaf.
I'm excited, actually--it'll be nice to have a memory!
Newbie looking for help
Ha M@M Wish I had the brains you have at 38. I was having to much fun into my early 40s to wake up to the reality that boozen wasn't a life and things could be a whole lot better. Keap up the smart thinken. Best of luck my friend.There's more to life than success. The greatest success is living well.
Newbie looking for help
Hello everyone. I just stumbled across this site after Googling the words "stop alcohol" which just about sums up what's on my mind at the moment. I don't want to bore anyone with any rampant self-pity but i have come to a point in my life where drinking is my life. I just read a thread on "worst things about drinking" and many of those are depressingly true. It is good to know there are people out there who have conquered this problem-it has really given me some hope for the coming months and with my resolution to find a better way to live.
Thank you all.
Newbie looking for help
big welcome to Kingfisher, MM and Northcentral!!
there are online sources for medications such as riverpharmacy.com however I've always gone through my doctor for the campral and the anti-dep that I take. be careful at any rate.
I've found that some of the non-prescription nutrients to be at least as helpful for me: L Glutamine, amino acid therapy, inositol powder, that combined with the hypno CD's, exercise and good food is a strong combo. and the glue that binds it together for me is this wonderful community.nosce te ipsum
(Know Thyself)