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ODAT Sunday

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    ODAT Sunday

    Well I broke my 3 day AF stint yesterday. But I am back here today confessing and ready to give it another go. I want to be sober and clear. Thank you all for being here.:h rudemama

    ODAT Sunday

    Each and every AF day is a success! We are all on our path be it to sobriety or mods. Have a great day everyone - I know I will!
    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


      ODAT Sunday

      Remember the successes, not the failures. Remember what sober feels like and the sense of accomplishment.

      Hi all. I ready to add another day.


        ODAT Sunday

        I second what everybody says. Regardless of what happens come back here & let us know what's happening. The real problems occur when we stay away. Mary
        Wisdom, Courage, Strength
        October 3, 2012


          ODAT Sunday

          :h Hi Everyone

          Naughty pea is reading and posting like mad because it does help ODAT

          Rudemama well done on the 3 days xx

          LOL to everyone else

          :h :l Sweetpea xxxxx
          :flower: Keep strong and focused things do get better and you will find your happy :h


            ODAT Sunday

            Rudemama: Good for you in telling us about your little slip. You went 3 days AF, so please give yourself a pat on the back. It goes to show you can do it. Today is a new day. Continue the mantra, "One Day At A Time". Before you know it, you will regain those 3 days and then some! - Reene
            September 23, 2011


              ODAT Sunday

              It's not easy to change, but sometimes it's easier than staying the same. Wishing you well in becoming AF.


                ODAT Sunday

                3 days is something to be proud of. When you fall down, it's important to get back up. Otherwise you just lie there in the mud, right?

                I got the Email notification that my starter pack from here has been shipped. I had huge mixed emotions about it. On the one hand, I'm excited, on the other hand, I'm scared to death. I'm cutting way back on my consumption this weekend, and even went so far as to exercise by taking my dog for walks. I can't remember the last time I did that. It sure cleared my head...I plan to continue with that.

                I'm about 1/3 of the way through the book, too. Getting ready to make the changes!!:new:
                Be of good cheer. Do not think of today's failures, but of the success that may come tomorrow. You have set yourselves a difficult task, but you will succeed if you persevere; and you will find joy in overcoming obstacles (Helen Keller)


                  ODAT Sunday

                  Welcome Deena, Anthony, rudemama, hello everybody! I understand about the mixed emotions, it's like, I've done something concrete now I gotta give it a go, and it is huge, a big change could be happening. I feel that way too, about the new year, I want 30 days in January. That's it, I don't want to commit beyond that but I bet I will feel really good and will continue. Reteacher you are right that staying away is not good. We should always check in and be honest. Counting down!!! Suz
                  The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.


                    ODAT Sunday

                    I'm envious of anyone that's gone AF for 3 days, you should be proud of yourself. I first joined almost 2 years ago, and dissapeared because I was too scared to actually do it. I haven't gone AF more than two days in 2 years. I am so sick of myself, that I am going to try again. Its good to be back. Tonight will be day one for me.


                      ODAT Sunday

                      Okay, so I am sort of in my second week--intending to work this out slowly and not scare myself. I posted somewhere that when I went to my (now former) internist for topamax he was very critical of the program (even after I handed him the Lancet paper and other independent info I had dug up on the Internet) though we both agreed that AA didn't work for a lot of people. I think my idea of moderation was ludicrous to him. (He kept calling MWO "no way out") And perhaps it is unrealistic. I was kinda hoping that the topamax (I did get it from someone else) would be this gate slamming shut. Nope. I am now taking a total of 75 mg. per day and I can feel it--I am less hungry, and most days I have cut my wine intake in half. On good days I think I could cut it completely out, but then again it is the holidays, and the temptation is rough. I'm doing the hypnotherapy tapes as directed and the supps as directed upping the amino acids and adding glutamine. I may add some more stuff, but I better stop for now or I won't now what 's doing what. Starting Jan,. 2 or possibly Jan 1, I intend to stop until Jan 25 when I will allow myself 2 glasses of wine or champagne because it will be my anniversary. Then AF again until Valentine's Day. Maybe by then I will have figured out why alcohol is associated with love. Happy New Year!


                        ODAT Sunday

                        Salem, it seems that so many people hear no when they ask their doctors for the topomax even though there is solid research behind it. You'd think they would be tripping over themselves to give you something when they are always trying to prescribe. I wish more doctors would stay up to date on medical findings and breakthroughs, and be more open minded and part of the solution by monitoring your results. You sound like you have improved greatly, maybe not as dramatically as you had hoped for but it is very positive sounding to me. I want to go af too for January, 30 days, I do not take topa but I do take supps and have had 3 and 4 days af very often lately (vast improvement!) and I believe I could give up the wine with all the support here.
                        The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.


                          ODAT Sunday

                          You all soundsso like me. Keep it up everyone. I had three days AF and now have been drinking since, but as of tomorrow I will go AF for Jan and hopefully beyond. I was prescribed naltrexone. Hope it helps. XXX


                            ODAT Sunday

                            i've just answered Bella on another post. She fell, as I have. what is the point of posting here? when you give in to it, you write here and then other commiserate and then it's ok again - until you do it again. How do you become AF for good ? terrible feeling


                              ODAT Sunday

                              tylyr, it's not like it's okay at all. If you stay and post, then you haven't given up on yourself. So why would we give up on you? We are in the same fight as you are. Some of us have years af and they give advice freely, on strategies for staying af, altering our mindset, using the meds, supplements, and exercise. Posting here shows you that you are not alone, so please stay even if you fall. :l
                              The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.

