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Hypnotherapy CD's

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    Hypnotherapy CD's

    Well today is the day - I planned for it and even went out with a bang last night - had way more wine than I would usually have and feel like crap for it - I am consoling myself with the fact that I will never feel this way again. I have decided to stop drinking completely from today - I have a problem that may not have been entirely my fault but what I do with it is totally up to me - I choose to stop. I figured I could do it on my own but after considering that I have stopped for 3 months at a time before and restarted - other measures may be required.

    So, I am going to purchase the starter pack and Hypnotherapy CD's - could anyone who has used these please give me some feedback. There is a new set of CD's Total Abstinence - as I can't afford both sets I would be grateful if someone would let me know the main differences and what each set has to offer.

    I am looking forward to my new life - I am 40, have been drinking since I was 18 and in the last 6 years have gone way overboard - I am looking forward to what life has to offer as an AF person.

    Hypnotherapy CD's

    Turtle Dove - congrats on your choice to be sober and healthy! :yougo: I have only been a member for 5 days (and I'm 5 days AF)! Have had O'douls to help with my cravings, but it's been going well since yesterday. Just had to get over my 3 day hurdle. I too am 40 yrs, my drinking has been very bad over the past 5 yrs (40-60 beers a week!) and have been drinking since I was 15 yrs. So I really understand where you are coming from.
    I have not ordered the CDs, but have been reading a lot of the discussion threads and have heard many people praise them and the book. I hope to be getting the book soon. If you read through some of the threads you'll see a lot of comments regarding the CDs. You will also find a lot of support and inspiration.

    I want to wish you the very best and I hope you and everyone here in MWO have a happy and healthy 2008! Good luck gang!
    Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


      Hypnotherapy CD's

      Happy New Year, Thankful and TurtleDove.

      I bought the cd's several months ago, and only started listening to them about a month ago. Dont know anything about the total ab cds.

      Unfortunately, I stepped on one of the four and broke it, but I find them incredibly relaxing, helpful, and look forward to listening to them at night. If I wake up during the night, I'll turn one on. I honestly feel that even if I fall asleep, while I am listening to them, I am getting something out of them. Have several other cds on "guided imagery" by a woman named Belleruth Naperstak, from a firm called Health Journeys. All of the cds from her and MWO make you get into a comfortable position, do relaxed breathing. You can't help feeling relaxed and positive.

      Good luck on your journeys!


        Hypnotherapy CD's

        The CDs work for me. Really recommend them. I have the regular set.
        I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


          Hypnotherapy CD's

          welcome turtle dove! I am also new and mulling whether to get the CDs. Think I will go ahead and get them. Also looking forward to a better life in '08!
          :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


            Hypnotherapy CD's

            Thanks for all your comments. I am so glad there are others who understand what it means to have this problem. I have emailed MWO for the answer to the difference on the CD's so hopefully that will help make up my mind. It is now 6.22pm and still around 45 degrees celcius outside - Australian summers - they just seem to be getting hotter. I am trying to stay cool with my hangover - I still feel terrible - can't wait to go to sleep tonight and wake up feeling good tomorrow. I am so looking forward to actually seeing the whole year as it should be - last year just flew - which I know is because I spent night times with alcohol and didn't give myself the time to enjoy the nights. I have so many things I want to do - lose weight, eat healthy and enjoy going to the Gym - I started at the Gym last year but many mornings I wouldn't make it because my head would be to foggy from the night before - not this year!

            I am so sick of secretly drinking - my husband and kids see me but none of the rest of my family have a clue - I am ashamed so I hide it. I even try to hide the empty bottles as they are a dead give away - I would really hate to line up 12 months worth - I think it would make me cry. I want to be proud of myself and show my kids what a positive, outgoing and healthy role model is. I hate myself when I snap at my husband and kids because everything seems harder when you are hungover. At night I just get stuck into the wine and drink it in front of the TV in the bedroom - only going near the living area to refill my glass - hoping that no-one will interupt me or suggest I join the family - it really WAS a lonely relationship I had with the bottle. That's why I am changing now - otherwise my kids will be grown up and left home and I will have missed it all. They deserve better and so do I! I know I can go for a certain time without alcohol - I've done it before - the danger for me is when I am feeling really good about life again - I have to remind myself this time that is not a reason to start again - it is THE reason not to.

            This board seems a great way to remind myself that the struggle is worth it and going AF forever is the only way to truly get my life back.


              Hypnotherapy CD's

              Good morning Turtle Dove. you'll be glad you've started here. I've been under tons of stress for such a long time. In September, after selling my mom's condo, starting drinking a lot. Started the sups, cds, reading and posting and was able to go 7 days without drinking, had a drink or two, then did 5 more days. The Xmas hit. Absolutely blew it.

              Feel absolutely safe, at home with so much hope here. The people who post here are incredible. You'll be glad you joined this family, it will help you to enjoy your family more. :welcome:


                Hypnotherapy CD's

                Turtle Dove I noticed your last post said you needed to remind yourself why not to drink. If I may offer a little advise to you and anyone's what I did this morning. Today I'm 6 days AF and I have not done that for well over a year. It could be as long as 2-3 yrs, but I can't remember.

                This morning I left my self a message on my cell phone. I described how great I felt. Described how happy I have felt over the past couple of days (happier than I've felt in literally yrs). You get the picture. Then I told myself to listen to that message whenever I feel the urge to drink. This may be old advice to a lot of senior members and I don't mean to repeat advice. It's just something I decided to do to greet my new year. If you can't record the "postive attitude" of your voice, then write down how good it feels to make this commitment. You have to do it for you before you can worry about doing it for others. When you do it for you, the benefits will just automatically reflect towards your family.

                Best of luck to you!! Keep logging on, these wonderful people will get you through it.
                Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


                  Hypnotherapy CD's

                  Thankful - yes I really think writing it down is the key too. So much so that a couple of weeks ago I wrote myself a list of reasons to stop drinking - it was quite long - I didn't have a reason to keep drinking column. I then wrote a list of why it's not OK to restart in 3 months or beyond - I am carrying this with me in a diary I have to record my daily events. By events I mean - writing down what I do at night - which would not happen if alcohol was still in my life. I hope to read over it if I ever get the urge and read both the list and the diary to help me through. The reasons are always there - it's just when you feel good you tend to forget the misery that drinking causes.

                  I love scrapbooking and find that I don't do nearly enough due to the fact that at night I am too far gone and on weekends around 4pm the bottle is all I think of. I am pleased to have this hobby as I really think it will help me through - something else to do. I have friends who send me emails late at night and I often think - well they don't have a drinking problem - because I flaked out hours earlier. Day 2 for me - still feeling a bit yuck from New Years Eve but SOOOO much better than yesterday and tomorrow I know will be even better - can hardly wait! It feels good to write this down - after you hide it for so long it is a relief. This site and people like all you guys are really fantastic. Turtle Dove.


                    Hypnotherapy CD's

                    I am new here too. I couldn't decide whether or not to get the CD's, then thought, "Hell, if I'm going to do the program, I'm going to DO the program." So I ordered them. I haven't gotten them yet though.
                    Be of good cheer. Do not think of today's failures, but of the success that may come tomorrow. You have set yourselves a difficult task, but you will succeed if you persevere; and you will find joy in overcoming obstacles (Helen Keller)


                      Hypnotherapy CD's

                      Welcome Turtle Dove and Deena,
                      Go for the cd's, though I found the accent a bit grating. Read the book too. and get the supplements. Just go for it. I wish both of you success in your goals to moderate/ go AF. It's been hard for me, but I'm getting there. My ego is so beguiling and I am so used to succumbing to it telling me it's OK to drink . But I'm cutting away and escaping out of the alcoholic net I wove round myself over the last 25 years.
                      Every day you go AF or moderate proves that you can do it. So, go for it, and please don't beat up on yourself if you slip up every now and then.
                      Be kind to yourself.


                        Hypnotherapy CD's

                        Good Luck, TD. I too am staarting out a new year and look foward to using this venue to kkep me AF. I ordered the CD's Christmas Eve and await their arrival.
                        I had to read the book twice to remind me of the importance of the hypnotherapy. I stopped smoking 14 years ago with one $55.00 group session as described in the book. If it worked once with the smoking this should be good for the drinking.


                          Hypnotherapy CD's

                          Hi from a newbie

                          Hi Thread, thank you for that. I like writing down how good I feel to remind me![
                          QUOTE=Thankful;248221]Turtle Dove I noticed your last post said you needed to remind yourself why not to drink. If I may offer a little advise to you and anyone's what I did this morning. Today I'm 6 days AF and I have not done that for well over a year. It could be as long as 2-3 yrs, but I can't remember.

                          This morning I left my self a message on my cell phone. I described how great I felt. Described how happy I have felt over the past couple of days (happier than I've felt in literally yrs). You get the picture. Then I told myself to listen to that message whenever I feel the urge to drink. This may be old advice to a lot of senior members and I don't mean to repeat advice. It's just something I decided to do to greet my new year. If you can't record the "postive attitude" of your voice, then write down how good it feels to make this commitment. You have to do it for you before you can worry about doing it for others. When you do it for you, the benefits will just automatically reflect towards your family.

                          Best of luck to you!! Keep logging on, these wonderful people will get you through it.[/QUOTE]


                            Hypnotherapy CD's

                            Hi From a newbie

                            Thank you for reminding me of how good it feels to feel good!:thanks:

