It feels so good to be logging in first thing in the morning again. It's hubby's first day back at work and one of the girls has gone to the stables so I am having some me time.
We had people for dinner yesterday and it was very tempting to have wine. I did moderate successfully over the holidays and had the first sober xmas day in years. However, I really wanted to start the New Year with a 0 in the drink tracker so I said to myself not today. I poured a large glass of AF wine and left it at my place and then when we sat down I poured the other glasses from the bottle. Nobody even noticed.
A big welcome to those of you who have just joined us. Keep coming back and checking in every day regardless of whether you have slipped or not. It's too easy to stay away and then you are back to square one. The big picture can be frightning so remember One Day at a Time.