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Scared Drunk

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    Scared Drunk

    Hello everyone. This is my first post here. It appears to be a God-send of a forum.
    About me: Nearly 36 YO male who has been drinking heavily the past 6 or 7 years. For a long time there was no obvious problem. Drinking was part of my personality. I was expected to be drinking come evening. Only those who weren't close to me frowned upon it.
    Recently, I've been experiencing some scary episodes. I've never been a pucker... always held it, even though I was liable to do other embarrassing things. Now, after a good lathering, I find that 2-3 hours after I'm awake I experience serious bodily distress. Lightheadedness to the point of feeling like passing out; angina; feelings of impending doom in general. Having to sit down frequently; difficulty breathing. My stools are quickly becoming suspect as well.
    I have searched and searched to trace the symptoms. My first theory was that is was Cardiac related, but I had a good EKG and passed a stress test.
    I tell you, this scares me to drinking! It's like I tell myself, 'this should scare you enough to at least cut back,' but as soon as I'm feeling better I go right back to it.
    Back to the symptoms, because I'd really like to know if anyone else has been through this: when I don't drink or drink lightly the symptoms go away, which leads me to believe it is not withdrawal. The heavier I drink the worse and scarier they are. Mind you, this doesn't come about until I've slept and have started a new day, which to me is really odd and something I think only another who's been there might be able to explain. My current theory is that the drinking is messing with my central nervous system. But, why now? Could my liver function be impaired or has all this drinking finally breeched my CNS?
    Anyways, my goal is to be a weekend drinker. I do need support but cannot deal with a treatment center as my outer life is on a uphill swing...I couldn't deal with the setback and I'm not really wanting to be a half-hearted twelve stepper.
    Any and all advice is welcome.:new:

    Scared Drunk

    Hello Robenzo72! It does sound like alcohol is affecting your body in various ways. Maybe you could try a few days off and see if there is any improvement. A BIG welcome to MWO!!! Read a few of the posts and I am sure you will find some comfort that you are not alone. All the best. Bella xxx


      Scared Drunk

      Hello .... :welcome: to MWO ..........

      I don't have any medical training but it sounds like anxiety attacks which can be caused by alcohol. I used to suffer exactly the same symptoms, my routine is pretty much the same everyday get up around 7.30 and round about 11am I would start feeling dizzy and the fear of fainting caused a panic. I started to experiment and found that a morning drink took it away and hey ho found my self drinking all day every day ..... then found this place .......

      Since having an af spell last january i'm moderating now and it only ever happens the morning after i've overdone it, but now I recognise it as how a hangover affects me so I dont worry .........

      My advise is definitely and AF spell for you .......

      BB xx


        Scared Drunk

        Hello Robenzo,
        I am glad you found MWO and :welcome: :welcome: to this forum.

        Betty Boop is giving you good advise. I too think that you are suffering from alcohol induced anxiety attacks. You are still so young and perhaps consider yourself lucky that your body (nervous system etc.) is trying to put on the brakes on getting abused.

        Try to get some alcohol free days under your belt. Is there something else you might like to do in the evening? Try anything to divert your attention away from the sauce, perhaps then you can really find out whats ailing you.
        *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


          Scared Drunk

          Welcome Robenzo, yes I have to agree with Betty Boop and Lorisunshine, sounds like anxiety attack. Of course I don't have any medical training either. See if you can go AF (alcohol free) during the weekdays and if that helps or if any other symptoms appear, then you might want to get a complete checkup. Just to know what's happening so you can deal with it.
          The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.


            Scared Drunk

            Hello Robenzo.... God i can so relate the feelings of impending doom, for me i think that was the worst part of my withrawal.

            Ill never forget the time when i was on public transport and it was very busy and i just lost it completely...i must have looked like a complete lunatic but i just had to get off that bus nomatter who was in my was probably one of the most awful experiences of my life.
            I got sober here but unfortunatly i slipped again after leaving this site and all its wonderful supportive people. Im now back to basics and on day 3 AF, fortunatly the withdrawals havent been too bad for me this time, maybe because iv been through it before and i know what to expect.
            Stay here with me it maks it so much easier being in contact with people who know exactly what your going through.

            Lou-Lou x x
            "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky


              Scared Drunk

              Could be a blood sugar problem too. When you drink a lot your sugar will crash in the middle of the night.


                Scared Drunk

                Hello Robenzo! I am new here, and only on day two AF (alcohol free). I can tell you though, that I agree with the others here, that it sounds like an anxiety attack. I suffer them and have for about 16 years. I have driven myself to the hospital convinced I was having a heart attack. The absolute FEAR is enough to drive you insane when at its worst. For me acknowledging what is going on when it starts and trying to mentally become involved in anything other than my symptoms, gets me through them better now. Of course I am not a doctor, and don't know you, but the symptoms sound suspisciosly anxiety/panic attack related. Maybe talk to your Doctor about it?
                Good luck.
                Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


                  Scared Drunk

                  Robenzo - what you describe is very similar to what brought me here.

                  I can deal with headache, nausea and so forth, but the mental/anxiety stuff is absolutely horrible to endure. I have been drinking most of my life (I'm 43), I binge a few times a month, drink moderately a lot of time, but when I really tie one on, I've been paying for it. Not through headaches, but through intense stress and anxiety. Comes on in the middle of the day after drinking and can last another day or two.

                  Last Thursday I went on a bender, and Friday afternoon I was a literal basket case. I wanted to crawl out of my skin. Thank God I'm in pretty good shape. I took a 3 mile jog and the anxiety eased, but I am sick of getting these reactions.

                  I haven't drank since Thursday night, and I am feeling quite a bit more balanced now. I've been through the cycle of moderating and binging so many times, I'm sick of it. So for now I'm trying to be AF for at least 30 days. I'll re-evaluate at 30; my tendency right now is to think life is easier without the alcohol.

                  Take care.


                    Scared Drunk

                    Hey Robenzo
                    Alcohol most certainly affects the central nervous system, making you more prone to panic attacks over time and after more abuse of alcohol. It also wears down all of your other organs and can make withdrawal occur even after a heavy night. It sounds to me like the years of heavy drinking are catching up to you in the sense that your body simply cannot process it the same way as before. I know what you are saying - i went through major panic attacks, terrible hangovers/shaking too - so much that I went and took medication for anxiety and panic. It didnt occur to me that it could be alcohol related. Remember that alcohol is ultimately a poision and our body's ability to handle it or not is dependent on our health and the function of various organs (which get tired over time). Not trying to scare you but this is serious stuff....try some vitamin/minerals and perhaps have a medical appointment (general) to see how you are doing..always a good idea anyways.....
                    Welcome to MWO - you will find lots of support here!
                    Over 4 months AF :h

