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Not able to Stop Drinking

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    Not able to Stop Drinking

    Hi everybody,
    long time i have not posted since i am not able to stop my drinking habbit thinking that what i will say my same story again and again.i was on leav for 8 days and during these 8 days i drank both the time noon time & at night time around 3/4th bottle per day now i joined my office and i am drinking only at night time around 180 ml.though i drink leser quantity now i getting frightening feelings next day like ,i am getting scared tommarrow if any thing happens to me what will happen to my children who are small going in the scool i am also very much worried about my health i have nerve copression problem in the left hand which is also trobling me because of accidity in the stomach due to in take of alcohol every day i am not able to know how can i stop drinking


    Not able to Stop Drinking


    Just keep posting. And trying. And communicating. And trying. And posting.
    And trying. And communicating. And trying. And posting. And...well. You get the point.

    We're here.

    Taking it all in


      Not able to Stop Drinking

      Dilip - hello again. I'm sorry that you're still having trouble.

      Dilip, most of us started by reading the 'My Way Out' book. I very much recommend it. It provides guidelines and lots of options and tools to help you with this problem. Whether you wish to stop drinking completely or cut down drastically, the book explains ways you can achieve either.

      It is probably the best place to start. Please keep posting.


        Not able to Stop Drinking

        Hi Dilip,

        You can do it, trust me we all know what you are going through, don't give me up. Tonight was AF Day 1 and I tell ya there were a few times that I wanted to pick up, but thankfully I was able to be strong and I was by MYSELF....shesh that the time when we usually pick up. Please us posted and know that you have a great support group.

        Big hugs,
        AF Since May 2nd 2012


          Not able to Stop Drinking

 too. Where the hell does it stop. I'm listenitng to music thinking I am having a wonderful time...but the sad part is, if I were to talk to anyone right now who might be in their right mind, they would thing I was nuts (drunk). Yes, lets call someone on a Thursday night at 2:43 AM in the morning. Peachy...the good news is. No drunk dialing. The bad news. Lost.
          This is no longer a drinking's a matter of Life or Death!!!


            Not able to Stop Drinking

            Lots of people have been in the same place as you Dilip. Do as Tawney suggested, get the book and embrace the programme fully. Some do it with the topamax, others without. There is loads of support here on the boards so read, read and join in. You can do it.



              Not able to Stop Drinking

              If it helps any

              When I was a freshman in college, my dad was hospitalized for Alcoholism. For the rest of my college career, I volunteered to be the designated driver - and it set up a good habit which lasted for several years after.

              Then I met my SO - we'd share a couple beers at the lake after work. The couple beers quickly progressed to margueritas, and then other mixed drinks (I have friends who still ask me to make up a gallon of margs for them). I reached the point, over 8 years, where I could kill a 1.75l of booze in 4 days(!).

              Then the SO moved out - unexpectedly and suddenly. Last week, I realized that if I'm going to get rid of all the useless crap left behind, I might as well add the bad habit I learned during our time together. And so far, I'm on day 4. Once, being AF didn't even require work - no effort at all to say, "No thanks". I'm really looking forward to getting back to that place.

              Good Luck!


                Not able to Stop Drinking

                Dilip - You said you have not posted in a while because you are drinking. Have you at least been checking in very single day? You never know when you are going to read something so powerful that it might just keep you sober that day. I've been a member only 9 days, but day 3 was sooo bad for me I was on the verge of tears. I logged on, and there was this post addressed to me personally!! I could not believe a complete stranger was taking the time out of their crazy hectic life to help me. I not only was so touched by the action, but the words were so profound. I did end up crying that day, but they turned out to be tears of joy. I'm 9 days AF and it has been years since I've gone this long. I don't even have the supplements yet. That's how powerful this site can be.

                Please log on every day, even if it's just to read a few threads. Someone is always on and will help you immediately.

                Good luck. God Bless.
                Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


                  Not able to Stop Drinking

                  dilip, I read the posts even if I am drinking....looking for any ideas, thoughts, suggestions etc from all the others in the same boat. It does help....there is hope. Just keep coming back to talk or read, we are here for you.



                    Not able to Stop Drinking

                    thanks for the advise,i will keep on trying

