I guess I feel I need some more tools and planning. What happened yesterday is that I guess I ran full-on into a major trigger. I went over to my former apt. building to take care of my former neighbor's kitty and this wash of feelings came over me. (I just moved away from there in August. ) I realized that the whole building and neighborhood represents loss for me, and my drinking is about loss. I moved there in the weeks after my brutal divorce, had to leave the house I loved so much as he got it. So when I moved in there in '05 I was one ball of twisted misery. On New Year's Eve '05 with some friends I said, "2006 is going to be the year my life turns around." But no ... two months later my sweet kitty, who I was attached to like he was my lifeline during all the trauma, fell and broke his back .. spent several weeks and thousands trying to save him, but had to put him down. Two months after that, I got very suddenly fired from my employer of several years, although I'd worked my butt off, improved many things, but had a new and very insecure manager I'd been clashing with (and in the U.S. you can pretty much be fired for any reason if you work for a private employer). Spent nine months unemployed and often in such a wretched condition I thought of ending it, but did not because of concern for my family.
Now I have another job and place to live, even another kitty, so much better and must lick this problem. I feel silly writing this long sob story when I have read here of others' life situations that were/are so very much more traumatic than mine. But I guess I need to spill some of it and to ask, again, for more help. Anyway, at my old place, I got that old primal feeling, self-pitying indeed, poor sad-sack me, gotta drink to cope with my sad life. How pathetic ... but I know you will understand none of this is remotely rational.
So, my question, I am going to start working hard to recognize triggers, but is there any better way to plan for them ... and/or to plan for my first days AF so I can try harder not to get hijacked by things like this. Can't believe this is so hard for me. why do I want to keep wallowing? ????sorry for long post. any help welcome!!!!!!:thanks: