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hi i'm new. i'm in denial. its OK.......

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    hi i'm new. i'm in denial. its OK.......

    i'm totally new to this and i admit i'm drunk as i type it. however i realise after the huge argument ive just caused and the empty winre glass by my side is pissing me off cos i wish it was fill. this is not good./ my othewr half has abandoned me saying if i dont get ny act togeter he will leave me. i think he means it htis time. its only cos i cant gt my hands on any more bweer that i'm not still drinking, i want more even though i know there is none and it would piss my boyfriend off more.

    hi i'm new. i'm in denial. its OK.......


    You're not in denial otherwise you wouldn't be here. Get some sleep. Report bright and early tomorrow for introductions
    Long Road
    Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission--
    Eleanor Roosevelt


      hi i'm new. i'm in denial. its OK.......

      Hotpot: I am you !! we will chat!!
      :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


        hi i'm new. i'm in denial. its OK.......

        Hotpot, Long Road is sooo right, hun. Swallow your anger and pride right now. Get some rest.
        Write yourself a note tonight if you have to, to remind yourself that we are here for you. This is an amazing group of people here and you will get a lot of support.

        Hope to see you in the morning.
        Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


          hi i'm new. i'm in denial. its OK.......

          I to said to my husband that there wasn't a problem and I didn't think I was in denial, but after coming here, I realized there is a problem and I need to deal with it.
          I too would want more if he said I needed less or had too many........

          We all have a lot in common. Come back tomorrow and read the posts. You will get lot's of love and support

          Winefree (tonight)!


            hi i'm new. i'm in denial. its OK.......

            Though you are eyeing the empty glass, what you really seem to be crying out for is a good night's sleep. rinse out the glass, have a good cry if you want to, drink a big glass of water and go to bed.

            When you drink, everything seems exaggerated and it's almost impossible to keep a lid on explosive emotions! Things might not seem as bad tomorrow if you call it quits now and forget about drinking anything else. And no drunk-dialling!

            You can post again here if you get tempted to find more booze or to make some phone calls you will regret later.

            Try to remember your life is about more than this relationship. You may be afraid that he is leaving you but hard as it is to believe, what you think about yourself-- how you care about yourself-- is more important than what he thinks. You can start to get to grips with this with our help when you are sober.


              hi i'm new. i'm in denial. its OK.......

              Nancy, that last para is brilliant!
              It always seems impossible until it's done....


                hi i'm new. i'm in denial. its OK.......

                Nancy, Flip is right! That last paragraph IS brilliant. I've been up all night, stressing about my meddling sister who lives 3 hours away, wanting a glass of wine. Thank you for bringing things back into perspective. Im turning off the light to get some sleep. :h :h

                Hotpot, listen to everyone on your thread, Flip, Nancy, Dexter, Long Road,Winefree and Thankful. Their experience and support.......pricless. Take advantage of what they offer.


                  hi i'm new. i'm in denial. its OK.......

                  about the last paragraph I wrote...

                  Once after a drunken outburst, I found myself apologizing profusely, feeling really bad about myself. But I was mainly all caught up in what other people thought of me and how their perceptions would mean I was not a good person. This fits with the low self-esteem that causes drinking in the first place and keeps it going. Someone wise and compassionate told me not to worry about him but to focus on myself. I thought that was really compassionate and I felt such relief. And looking back on it, he was right. I was the one who needed help. This approach was a lot more effective with me than a judgemental/tough love intervention would ever be.

                  Getting all wrapped up in what other people thought of me was keeping me from taking a compassionate view toward my own problem and getting at the root causes. If you are self-destructing, you need to find out why and try to find a way to fix the problem.


                    hi i'm new. i'm in denial. its OK.......

                    some very sound advise, from some amazing people. I simply LOVE it here!
                    I hope you come back!
                    Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


                      hi i'm new. i'm in denial. its OK.......

                      WOW, we have such fabulous new members here with such good advice that I almost feel redundant!!!!

                      How are you now hotpot? It's 15 hours since you posted???


                        hi i'm new. i'm in denial. its OK.......

                        whas your story hotspot? im a 26 year old girl with similar problem... my bf is sick of it, etc. how often do you drink? do you get bad drunk/blackout often?

