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    Good Morning all,

    I have been reading posts for sometime now and feel the need to say some stuff.

    This week has been hard but Friday night was the hardest , I know why because Fridays are happy party day, the day I do something nice for myself, the day I go off my diet and have a treat, the day I can't wait to drink my wine my favorite day.

    So I knew it was going to be hard, I said to myself don't buy any wine, come home and read some posts, so that is what I did. I had a plan and it worked, I woke up AF and hangover free and proud that I overcame my worst trigger.

    When you are a binger I think withdrawal is different than everyday drinker it takes a whole week to go through withdrawal because you don't drink everyday and your body is use to going with out a drink for a few days. So it takes a week to go through every trigger at least that is how it seems to me.

    So I wanted to thank you all, your honesty and struggles I read about everyday are helping lots of us, everyone have a great weekend



    Hi Binger,
    Friday's are the worst for me too although right now I feel like I could open a wine bottle to "get rid" of my headache - but the headache tomorrow would be worse.
    Hang in there! We're in the same boat (err - not to imply we are in a sinking ship! ha ha)
    The positive twist - "We are sailing for new horizons."

    Have a great weekend.




      Great job and keep it up...stay strong and stick with your plan...blessings ...buckle



        Great job for remaining AF last night! I, too was classified as a binge drinker and can very much relate to your post in regards to the withdrawal. Friday's after work are still hard for me, a year later, but when I do wake up in the morning on Saturday, I am very happy I didn't succumb to the drink.

        Stay strong and have a good plan worked out. Keeping busy is essential for success.

