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New Kid In Town

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    New Kid In Town

    Hi there folks,
    I am very happy to have come across this site. It breaks my heart to read some of the threads but also many make me laugh out loud as I can relate to them so well.
    I started drinking at 13 and somewhere along the line lost the ability to know when I had had enough to drink, always the last person standing at the party...still with beer
    ( whatever was avail ) in hand. I have been very aware of my drinking issues from about 17 yrs old and have tried everything to moderate but alas my mind is set..after 3 drinks the chemistry in my brain switches to a beer hungry greed beast. I've done the AA thing ( 9 months of sobriety ). I Became a perfectionist during that time not giving myself a break, taking WAY too much on.

    Well , I could write a thesis about " the bane of my existence " so I will stop here for now.

    It is comforting to know that I wasn't the only one that would say the night after a big one " I AM NEVER DRINKING AGAIN" and in your heart really really mean it. While your mates just laughed it off.

    So Hi again, thanks for having me....I hope to draw from and give some inspiration to this wonderful site! :h
    Feel the Fear But Do It Anyway

    New Kid In Town

    Hi UP

    Fantastic to have you on board... you will recieve so much support and understanding from this site... we all understand... I look forward to catching up with you in chat sometime soon..

    You will also find that there is a contigent of Aussies here as well...


    Failure is not the falling down... it's the staying down


      New Kid In Town

      Hi Away,
      Ditto with the big welcome.
      Yeah, our brain and ego try to destroy us, and some of us succumb sooo easily.
      The AA stint has proven to you that you can go AF for an extended time, so that's a great start. The number of times I've promised myself I'd never drink again, only to do so and take up all the baggage that goes with a broken promise..... guilt, remorse, self hatred self pity. Yep, lots of us could do a group thesis!!

      Anyway, as Wattle said, welcome aboard.

      I can't get into chat as my computer blocks it but am going to see if I can't fix that tomorrow. So hopefully chat to you (and everyone else) soon.
      PS, Hmmm, did you work for a certain Aussie airline company? Or the advertising agency?


        New Kid In Town

        Welcome... from the other side of the world. Hope you get as much out of this site and the folks on it as I have done.

        Bessie xx


          New Kid In Town

          welcome from the entirely unremarkable USA. Thanks for joining and looking forward to reading your posts.



            New Kid In Town

            :welcome: Up Up:

            We ALL know what you are going through and definitely go on the chat room, you will get alot support on this site. I too, did the AA thing and was sober for 90 days but AA just wasn't for me, however I know ALOT of people that benefited from it. But it didn't take an long til something went wrong in my life to give me an excuse to drink and so I went back to drinking and my life started to spiral down again, lies to my employer(the death of family members, still makes gives me cringe of nausea), only to eventually quit or get fired, lost friends and most importantly MYSELF. I knew I was out of control and I needed to stop this, it was so exhausting living a lie, emotional rollercoaster...uggh I had to find something :upset: In August of last year, I was surfing the web for alcohol programs and found this site and it has helped me alot. I was able to not drink a couple of times to 17 days but again my mind played tricks on me trying to rationalize why it was okay for me to drink ....yeah right? One bottle, started at two(sometimes more), drunk dialing, drunken scenes with friends and family, then the hangovers into to work and then the lies and then to top it off with the ol' two weeks (sometimes longer), morning, noon, passed out by night spiral out of control binge drinking would begin. Only to find myself AGAIN realizing that I was just abusing myself again and again. Did I really want to live like this?

            So, here I am and it's been AF(alcohol free) Day 3 and I am ready to grab the bull by the horns with this demon and overcome it. Now if I end taking a drink, I am going to get back on that bull and try, try, again.....I am not giving up!!!!

            I thank you for sharing your story and please keep us posted of your progress and remember you are not alone. Sorry didn't mean to blah blah alot!!!

            Big hugs,
            Janet :h
            AF Since May 2nd 2012


              New Kid In Town

              Welcome Up!!

              Really hope you find all the lovely people and stuff here as wonderful as I have done - well, I DO!

              There's a great Aussie contingent, but we're pretty cool from this little island, eh, Bessie!??! And 'unremarkable US', Dave? Nah!! (Actually, we're very 'cool' here...and grey and wet...any spare sun going?!)

              Well done Janet!

              Looking forward to reading your posts, Up.... (sorry! You'll get nicknamed here! State your desires for it now!!!!)

              Lvoe FMS xx
              :heart: c: :heart:
              "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                New Kid In Town

                Ha Ha, Up is a fine name , I've been called MUCH worse!
                I am still having quite the time navigating around this site. Is the easiest way to see if you have had a reply is to go back to your original thread?
                Feel the Fear But Do It Anyway


                  New Kid In Town

                  Hello Up! Welcome, glad you found us! You will find that we are quite the eclectic group here! There are a lot of success stories here, yes some heartache too, but I think you will find us a supportive lot!

                  You will also find a lot of valuable information on ways to help you become a non-drinker for your lifetime!!

                  Looking forward to getting to know you! Best Wishes for your speedy recovery!
                  A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                  AF 12/6/2007


                    New Kid In Town

                    Up up and - well - look to the North

                    Heya New Kid;

                    Welcome from a kindered spirit in Canada - you will find alot of support, some laughs, and a few tears here, but we all have one thing in common - face down in the toilet, swearing this was the LAST time we would EVER take another drink again.... and yet still here we are.

                    Welcome, and I hope you are well on your personal journey of hope, inspiration, and motivation.



                      New Kid In Town

                      Hi Up,


                      I am new here as well too, though not to this struggle. So many times I have tried to stop before but something just feels different about this time. I have tried to do it so many times on my own to no avail. I truley feel like this is the end of the rope for me.

                      I know this will be hard and I know I might even fall off, but as long as we never give up, we won't lose.

                      Already at 3 days AF I feel more patient with my kids, more loving to my spouse, my house is cleaner and my head is clearer. One day at a time though.

                      Welcome and sending cyber hugs.

                      "If you want to change, then change." -Blonde Chic from LOST

