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Newbies in need ODAT - Sunday

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    Newbies in need ODAT - Sunday

    Good morning all

    Just starting the thread for today (cos i can!) Keeping it wide open for all to join - old and new. Love to everyone, especially those who are struggling for whatever reason. If you've been lurking for a while, why not use this one just to dip your toe in the water? If you need to get your regular fix (like I do) then we'll see you along soon.

    I'm not as good as Rustop and Reteacher for remembering to mention everyone by name but still care how you all are.

    Bessie xxx

    Newbies in need ODAT - Sunday

    Bessie, thanks for opening today's thread and your encouragement to us all. Nice to see you post and doing well. Taxes on a saturday night so close to year end. Impressive!

    Good day for me yesterday, still on Cindi's train. Best to all ODATers! (Think I have graduated from one minute at a time!)


      Newbies in need ODAT - Sunday

      hello, i am here again today checking in. Probably go sledding with the boy. trying to wrap my head around alcoholism. Peace rudemama


        Newbies in need ODAT - Sunday

        Rudemama, hope you have a fun day in the snow. What did you cook for dinner last night? Sounds like it was good!


          Newbies in need ODAT - Sunday

          hi Suki, I cooked a vegetable and fried tofu stir fry. it felt so healthy after all the holiday indulgence and it was yummy too, my son had his own plate of tater tots...which isn't too healthy but avoids the dinner table woes...thanks for asking rudemama


            Newbies in need ODAT - Sunday

            Rudemama, good for you for cooking/eating healthy. I've been trying to do the same, eating lots of quinoa, everyway I can think of doing it. However, in this case, I think I'd rather sit next to your son and eat the tater tots, with lots of ketchup!

            Maybe it's just the name, but I just can't get myself to try tofu. Shame on me!


              Newbies in need ODAT - Sunday

              hey guys..........

              I'm feeling a bit better today....still obviously really sad and empty but I finally feel like I can face the day today.......AF.....

              Thanks for all of your support guys.....means a lot to me. I don't know how I would have gotten through the last 2 days at home on my own without being able to come here and to chat.

              Love you all,
              Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                Newbies in need ODAT - Sunday

                Hi Everyone: Yesterday, for the first time in a very long time, I thought about drinking. I knew I wouldn't, but I thought: "Gee, wouldn't it be nice to escape for a while." I recalled all the times I caved in to that thought & drank...only to feel much, much worse after the whole drinking episode was over. Yes, it's easier to countact those thoughts w/some sobriety. A few months ago I might have given in. Today, w/93 AF days, I wouldn't do anything to jeopardize that. I got up this morning & came right to the computer. Thank God you're all here. Love, Mary
                Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                October 3, 2012


                  Newbies in need ODAT - Sunday

                  Uni, glad to hear that you're feeling better. Two days at home on a weekend can be very difficult. You are sounding so much stronger! For you to say that got through the last two days..that takes strength. Good for you. Keep it up. Work through your pain, but keep being strong! You've got lots of us here to help

                  Mary, 93 days! You are amazing and an inspiration! To stick to your plan, is awesome. I
                  know you've helped me a lot by your posts. Being online at MRO does help a lot when you need it, can't tell you how many times I've posted, been online today. It does make it easier!


                    Newbies in need ODAT - Sunday

                    Good morning everyone,
                    Universal, I'm glad you're feeling a little bit better, please know there a lot of us "e-friends" who care about you and know you will work your way through this.

                    I continue to be amazed at the change in myself since starting this. I've reduced my alcohol consumption by almost 75% I figure. Still not AF, but I didn't even finish my second glass of wine last night. Amazing.

                    My goal is to eventually get AF days/weeks in, right now I'm adjusting to the supplements and listening to the CD's. Still waiting for the topa to arrive...not sure I'll need it, if the supplements continue to help as much as they are. We shall see.

                    Mary you are one awesome woman!!!

                    Thanks to all for giving me a place to check in and read about "others like me".

                    :h :h :h
                    Be of good cheer. Do not think of today's failures, but of the success that may come tomorrow. You have set yourselves a difficult task, but you will succeed if you persevere; and you will find joy in overcoming obstacles (Helen Keller)


                      Newbies in need ODAT - Sunday

                      Deena, a 75% reduction is great! That's awesome. I loved your statement about be amazed at the change you've gone through. It made me think about how I've changed since finding MRO and everyone posting. So, I just changed my mood from sad to amused. Thanks!


                        Newbies in need ODAT - Sunday

                        So very glad you are feeling a bit better Universal.

                        Hooray for the mood change Suki! I was going to change mine to 'stressed' but it's a negative state of mind! Despite getting up at 6.30am to finish tax return and then get on with a whole load of other work I am way behind and that always stresses me. And that is a trigger for drinking so I have to get a handle on it right now. Tomorrow is my birthday and I want to be able to chill out a bit but I can see that it's not going to happen. Never mind. I'll be hunting again on Tuesday - that's my 'me and my horse' time!

                        The brat (my alcoholic self) demanded a treat for working so hard so she got marmite on toast and a flea in her ear about being so demanding and wanting to sink into a bottle!! Then a swift kick up the pants and an order to just get on with it! I should be kinder to her but sometimes just haven't got the patience.

                        Hope the rest of you all having a good day. 75% reduction is a damn good one Deena!

                        Bessie xx


                          Newbies in need ODAT - Sunday

                          Good Morning, well can't say I made 6 days AF but moderated nicely last night. Was watching old episodes of MASH, (they're always drinking, oh the power of suggestion) anyway, did'nt down a bottle as usual. Watched about 5 episodes with 2 glasses of wine. I think its mind set, supps, coming here and being accountable and going AF as long as possible. I wil continue to try for as long of periods as I can. Uni, hope each day continues to get better for you, stay strong and love yourself. Suki, Deena I too am amazed at the change I am going through. I have also tied my AF with a diet plan. I have been on so many diets that I have sabatoged by alcohol. Use to save Weight watchers points for alcohol. Found out I lost less or no weight and look bloated in the face. This last week I lost 4 pounds and see it first in my face. That is encouraging to stay AF as well. best to all of you


                            Newbies in need ODAT - Sunday

                            Kat - I, too, watched M*A*S*H re-runs last evening. Boy did they stress-drink or what?

                            Am skipping Mass this morning as I've been so weepy this weekend. Can't risk a public meltdown.

                            Hugs to you. - Masq
                            Courage is fear that has said its prayers. - Karl Barth
                            :wings: :huggy


                              Newbies in need ODAT - Sunday

                              Bessie, you ALWAYS make me laugh! A very Happy Birthday to you, girl! A little early, I know. So jealous of you and your horse time, enjoy the hunting! You really gave the brat a good lesson! Good for you!

                              KAT20, love MASH, two glasses for 5 episodes, I would consider that pretty good! Moderation is so exciting when you discover that you can do it and then get back on track towards your goal. Two months ago, it would have been two bottles for me, not two glasses. Now back to AF for a while. It keeps getting better, easier.

                              I've done what you have with every diet in the world, including WW. Didn't work for me either, used the points for my drinks. Congrats for 4 lbs. What are yo doing now? I need help!

