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Want to believe I'm doing this...

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    Want to believe I'm doing this...

    Hi to all...
    I want so to believe that it would be entirely possible to occasionally drink wine in moderation on a consistent basis. That would be heaven on earth to me...just a glass...sipping and enjoying and then no more that day (or night)... Then on to the work at hand and there is always work for me to do...mostly reading, writing and bookkeeping things that I enjoy but need a clear head to accomplish... Now, this should tell you that I need a plan, first you do this and then you do that, next you do thusly instructions, and would like to reading the book the first step, or finding a local doctor to prescribe the meds? Or what? I'd like to know an order in which to spend my money on this...what has worked for others? I'd really appreciate your replies. Thanks!
    Rose (not my real name, how weird is this)?
    PS-In the decade I've been fascinated with the Internet, I've never posted on a bulletin board under an alias, and actually only posted on three other BB's, a Mary Kay, Avon and a vintage personal stuff is very different for me to talk about...but here goes!

    Want to believe I'm doing this...

    Welcome Rose! I only started posting here in November (I had never posted before, anywhere either.). I know that there are so many people who will respond to you, who have more knowledge and better information than I could share, but I started by downloading the pdf. Don't recommend that, because, I didn't get a complete file. BUT, I did find what I read very helpful and a great way to get started. I bought some of the supplements and started by reading and posting, reading and posting, reading and posting!

    I've gone about a total of 30 days alcohol free since the first of November. I've just ordered the book, and some of the supplements through the health store. I'm not trying the meds. Went to the doctor's and he laughed at me when I mentioned the Internet and MRO. Said he would hook me up with AA. Don't think so, doc. Am so comfortable here, with unconditional, nonjudgmental support and friendship, which works for ME. It's 24/7 here, which works more for me than a scheduled meeting.

    Good luck and listen to all of those who will respond to you.


      Want to believe I'm doing this...

      I would for sure get the supplements. They have made a huge difference for me going AF this time. I've done detox, AA and outpatient and have NEVER had the reults I have gotten from this site.


        Want to believe I'm doing this...

        Anything is possiable!

        Hi Rose,:welcome:
        If you believe it, It will be possible. People on this site do mod quiet well. BUT they do say to do 30days first. I;m still trying but i have more AF days under my belt coming on to mwo, has help me a lot. You will get lots of support here.( I just take the supp's and read the book.) Just keep on reading the posts and posting.
        Wishing you good luck.x
        family is everything to me


          Want to believe I'm doing this...

          Welcome Rose, we understand completely. Not all of us can just sip and be social, its a proven fact. I am living AF because alcohol has fucked my relationship up so bad. You're on the right track reaching out and identifying a possible problem? Take the advice here as real, people really do care. I wish you the best, see you around the forums....toodles.


          Luv Ripple~


            Want to believe I'm doing this...

            Welcome Rose....

            Just hope you can get where I have been able to get through MWO....

            For some reason it was terribly important to me to be able to 'socially sip'..wont go into it here....just that now I can....

            BUT/AND (which ever!)....

            It was suggested here that I get 30 days for sure...then someone said 90 days....and they were I think nearer the 'truth....although we're all different. But there are many 30 days that go wrong when modding is then tried...many more that 90 days; the body/habits have in no way changed in just 30 days (even though I agree! It looked a monumental length of time from the 'front end'!!)

            I 'lurked' in moderators, jumped right in to abstainers and dreamed of reaching 'Long Term Moderators'....and now I dream of staying there having got there!

            I did 106 days before having even an AF beer....(Becks is good - all the taste and non of the hassle!) coz I had been told at AA that 'that would be that'....well, it wasn't for me - although I ahd never been a beer drinker.

            Shortly after that I tried a 100ml of white wine (I used to drink red) in a tall gass topped right up with soda....pleasant and no trouble (I could even 'feel' that after so long!) And now it is never more than 175ml a day always with soda (tastes far too strong without!) And I am a happy bunny - I don't have to answer questions, possibly appear to others to be 'odd/different' (their problem not mine!), I can enjoy the taste of an excellent wine (still waiting on that chance but...!) and it's great. And I realy don't want more than that. Christmas was brilliant - the champagne was poured - into my glass - I let it and sipped half very slowly and just put my hand over the top of my glass when it was nearly refilled....oh! And I remember, one of the guests brought a bottle of home made limoncello and poured everyone a glass....I said cheers, put it to my lips, took none on board and then left it in the kitchen where we were all cooking and, inevitably, someone else drank it....perfect!

            But without knowing I could do this I would have still been worried that the stuff would jump down my throat on its own.....

            BUT BUT BUT BUT and these ARE big buts....

            1. 30 days minimum AF - preferably 90. (Edit! Definitely!)
            2. Avoid your 'favourite' drink - old habits will always lurk.
            3. Forever avoid spirits.
            4. Possibly water things down -
            5. Really spend the 90 days looking at reasons, triggers, changing things that led to drinking whether it be relaionships, self-esteem, social circle, jobs and past-times.
            6. Come here loads and loads and loads and loads!!

            So, bit ahead of the thing really, but I do know that knowing it was possible for some to moderate helped me get there coz, for sure, the AA approach was heading me for the bottle of despair!! I honestly think I'd be a gonna now if I hadn't found here! I'd have trebled my intake out of the negative misery of AA. (I know it helps some and tha's great but for So, knowing it might be possible, I set off on the amazing journey that has been 8 months now....and meeting so many of these wonderful, loving people at MWO.

            I wish you every success on your journey....

            Now, to one day at a time alcohol free (AF)'s the only way to possible moderation. Don't forget!

            And GOOD LUCK!
            Love FMS xx
            :heart: c: :heart:
            "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


              Want to believe I'm doing this...

              I'm new here too, and have moments where I'm scared to death. I can only tell you how I approached it. First I downloaded the book (I got a complete file) and ordered the supplemental "Starter Kit". I read the book and decided I should get the hypnotherapy CD's and the drug Topa too, figuring if I was going to do the program I should follow it as closely as possible.

              The supplements came first and I've been taking them for only 4 days. The CD's just came and I've listened to them yesterday and today, they REALLY help me. I've reduced my alcohol intake by 75% and right now am seriously considering going AF tonight. Originally I planned to cut back until the topa got here, but I'm wondering why I should wait. Maybe I won't need the Topa after all?

              That's just how I've done it, I'm sure everyone has their own "system".

              *edit* FMS posted the same time as me. THANKS FMS, great advice for me as well!!!!!
              Be of good cheer. Do not think of today's failures, but of the success that may come tomorrow. You have set yourselves a difficult task, but you will succeed if you persevere; and you will find joy in overcoming obstacles (Helen Keller)

