Anyway I have decided that enough is enough and have been AF for 18 days which obviously included the Xmas break and boy was it tough watching all the rest of my family drinking, the only drink I had was Valerian root and Calms in hot water so I could get to sleep so bah humbug to my Happy New Year! I would love to say that drinking has gone out of my mind but no its still there nagging away at me that a small one won`t hurt so I`m hoping that the longer I am Af the thoughts will eventually fade.
I am desparate to not have another drink and feel as if I can achieve it more if I have an aim but I might be setting myself up for a big let down, late Nov last year we had to send our beloved dog Elsa to Rainbow Bridge as she went off her back legs, I knew it was time when she wasn`t even able to reach her water bowl when thirsty causing her much distress during the night anyhow I would love to have another dog especially from a rescue home but my partner is against the idea so to help myself on this quest I have said to him that if I have a drink at all we won`t get another dog so its given me a real incentitive not to this time, I have said that I won`t even approach the subject again until mid Feb so I know I am home and dry until then but am worried that he will still say no again but prehaps I will be so far into Af that I just won`t want to go back God willing.
Thankyou for letting me join your lovely community and I look forward to joining you on the threads.
PS Yes you can reply to me as TWIT as I really am one for ever starting drinking in the first place LOL
TWIT xxx