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Can't wait till 5:00 PM

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    Can't wait till 5:00 PM

    I have a rule as does my wife, as we are co-dependant. We wait until 5 to have our first drink. My choice is Gin and Green Tea, an inherant contradiction. I start with 4 oz's of gin, mixed with 6 oz's of tea. However, I always have a bottle stashed somewhere to hit off of. I probably drink 10 ounces over a three hour period, then have a glass of red wine before I eat. I go to bed right after eating, at about 9:00.

    All this may not be so bad if I didn't have HEP C, but so far, my Liver shows no damage. But the inevitable will happen, as drinking alcohol with HEP C is like pouring lighter fluid over hot coals. I quit every morning, but as it gets closer to 5 PM, that resolution is forgotten.

    Any advice will be most welcome. I don't want to continue this self destructive behavior.

    Can't wait till 5:00 PM

    Hi everynight and welcome to MWO,

    Well, you said it yourself alcohol consumption and HepC are eventually if not sooner a leathal combination. First of all, download and read the MWO book. It outlines how this program works. Next buy the supps and get started. I am not on the meds, but I have been taking all of the supps for a couple of months now, the Kudzu and L-glutamine really help with the cravings!

    Have you thought about doing something different at 5PM? Like taking a long walk, working out, going to a movie.......anything to divert your attention from drinking?

    Wishing all the best in ridding yourself of the drink and getting healthy!
    A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

    AF 12/6/2007


      Can't wait till 5:00 PM

      I'll get the supplements right away, but I'm not sure how to download the MWO book.
      Thanks for the help.


        Can't wait till 5:00 PM

        Hi again,
        You download the book at the Health Store, just click at the top of this page.......honestly, it is very encouraging to read as well as a wealth of information. Stick around and read on this sight, you will really get a lot out of it!

        To Your Health!
        A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

        AF 12/6/2007


          Can't wait till 5:00 PM

          Welcome everynight! As Kate has suggested, download the book. It is very encouraging to read and a great starting place!

          You will find tons of support here. It is hard to quit drinking not only because of the addiction element, but because of the 'habit' that goes along with it. Take it one day at a time, and keep busy. It does get easier as the number of alcohol free days add up!


            Can't wait till 5:00 PM

            Everynight, I totally understand, you will find many more who start in the evening. I have found that by pushing the starting time back maybe by a half hour to an hour each night helps. I can handle an hour longer and next thing ya know it is 8 pm before you are starting which for me leaves time for 2 drinks. hoping to loose those eventually, but I feel so much better. I to use to start at 5 pm now it is 8 pm sometimes 8:30, I work out a little and I have restarted playing my guitar again. Just somekind of diversion. Well good luck, and maybe facing the harsh reality of just what hep c and alcohol can do...I am a RN, and I have worked with people with cirrohsis.... not a pretty picture....don't want to scare you but you mentioned it and I needed respond. Take a look at some pics of people with cirrhosis harsh but may help. Good Luck!!


              Can't wait till 5:00 PM


              Hi Gumby:

              I am a guitar player also, and it sits, or stands, in my closet. That baby is coming back out. Also, I like the 1/2 hour at a time idea, and I don't like to drink after I eat, so I'll eat earlier.
              Changing habits should be a big help.


                Can't wait till 5:00 PM

                Hey Every,

                Welcome aboard!

                As you are a guitar player, here is the good news - my playing has come on in leaps and bounds since I became sober six months ago.

                I can't believe the difference - I was at a plateau technically and creatively for years while I was drinking!

                Being free of alcohol has a positive impact on just about every aspect of your life - go for it - you WON'T regret it!

                Good to have you here

                "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                  Can't wait till 5:00 PM

                  Last night the tips of my fingers hurt..........looking forward to getting those calises back.
                  I need to change the strings on my Takamine!!!

                  Thanks for the feedback!


