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Newbies in need ODAT - Monday

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    Newbies in need ODAT - Monday

    Good morning everyone

    Would like to start off the thread by wishing Bessie a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I'm useless at the graphics Bessie or I'd have sent you a cake etc. I decided to open the thread, you must be having a lie in, well deserved on this your special day.

    I am just back from a walk with doggies and friend. We only did a half hour as I need to see how the Goldies paw is after it and did not want to overdo it first day. It was wet and windy but it felt so good to be out.

    Day 7 for me and I have to say this has been the easiest I have found starting the 30 days so far. I only started taking the supplements again this morning as I am useless when out of routine for remembering them.

    Hope everyone got through the week-end ok, if not this is the start of another week. Have a good one.


    Newbies in need ODAT - Monday

    Hi Rustop and everyone

    Hope you are all doing well

    Rustop could do with borrowing your dogs sometime because it is so much better than having to go for a walk by yourself

    Hope you all have an excellent day strong vibes are coming your way

    LOL Everyone

    Sweetpea xx
    :flower: Keep strong and focused things do get better and you will find your happy :h


      Newbies in need ODAT - Monday

      starting again!

      Hi Rustop, sweetpea and everyone else.

      Happy Birthday Bessie,
      Now the kids are back to school feels like i can get back into routine. The house is lovely and quiet. Anyway no more messing about for me starting today af getting on that train and not coming of. Feel really bad, had to take today of sick.

      Hope everyone is feeling a lot better then i'm.

      Take care.x
      family is everything to me


        Newbies in need ODAT - Monday

        Hi! Thanks Rustop! Too right I had a lie in! The dogs on my bed, lots of mugs of tea delivered when I wanted them and then breakfast cooked for me. And I'm still in my dressing gown too!! :H Unheard of!

        Going to take it as easy as I can get away with today! I had a birthday bottle of wine last night which wasn't actually the plan. But I am not seeing it as a failure of any sort. I am not starting day 1 again, just carrying on from where I left off. And (this is something that I haven't experienced before) I am really looking forward to carrying on a run of AF days. I enjoy them much more than drinking days!!

        Have a lovely day everyone.

        Bessie xxx


          Newbies in need ODAT - Monday

          Good morning Firecrackers and Happy Birthday Bessie! How lovely, a lie-in, a bedfull of dogs, tea and looking forward to hunting tomorrow! Fabulous, you deserve it!

          I agree that your birthday wine is not a failure, that today is not day 1 for you. Your comment (this is something that I haven't experienced before) is proof that you have such strength and will not allow your plans to be derailed! What a birthday present to yourself!

          To all other Firecrackers, have a great day today!


            Newbies in need ODAT - Monday

            hello, Monday a work day got in a long ski yesterday how beautiful not an af weekend but i feel like i have support to be who and what i need to be. tnaks rudemama


              Newbies in need ODAT - Monday

              Dear Bessie -

              Happy Birthday ... and many, many more years of celebrating life. Sending you a huge cyberHUG {{{{{{HUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG}}}}}}.

              - Masq
              Courage is fear that has said its prayers. - Karl Barth
              :wings: :huggy


                Newbies in need ODAT - Monday

                Rudemama, love your post......having the support to be who and what you need to be. Beautiful thought!

                Teardrop, feel better.

                Rustop, wish I had furry walking companions like you!


                  Newbies in need ODAT - Monday

                  Good morning ODATers.

                  Happy Birthday Bessie! Enjoy your lie in, it sounds heavenly.

                  Day 1 for me again. Now that work and schedules will be back to normal, I am optimistic that I can develop new routines to keep me away from the wine etc. I just have to keep super busy, that's all. And take my supps and exercise regularly.
                  The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.


                    Newbies in need ODAT - Monday

                    Hi everyone!

                    Bessie, Happy birthday! Have a great day.
                    Teardrop, I hope you feel better soon.

                    I am not feeling so hot myself - I had a really bad day of withdrawal symptoms yesterday after a Friday/Saturday binge. If nothing else, yesterday reminded me that it is so not worth it! I was Af yesterday and although I didn't sleep well at all, I can't wait for today to be Day 2.

                    Like you Bessie, I also am wanting to pile up those AF days - I had 4 under my belt when the "bomb" hit Friday so my goal this week is to get them back ++

                    I'll keep coming here to do it - thanks for the support guys!

                    I hope everyone has a great Monday.

                    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                      Newbies in need ODAT - Monday

                      Hello, happy birthday Bessie! Thanks for the support Suki. :h
                      Lots of Love rudemama


                        Newbies in need ODAT - Monday

                        Good Morning Everyone !

                        Happy Monday ! Rustop glad you enjoyed your walk this morning. It always feels great to get out doors. And great job going for Day 7 !!

                        Happy Birthday Bessie :bday7: Great Birthday Wishes for you today !

                        Teardrop, a nice quiet house to get some rest and feel better.
                        Universal, please feel better...I see an AF day coming your way today

                        Once again I would like to thank Lukalee for taking away my "drinking license" and Suzanna for revoking it on Friday. I just could not go out and buy that bottle of wine without my "license". So I'm so excited to say, my first AF weekend in I don't know how long. As of last night I have completed 6 full days of AF :yay:

                        Thank you all so much for all your support !
                        . Good luck to everyone and all ODATers to follow.
                        Miss October :blinkylove:


                          Newbies in need ODAT - Monday

                          Miss O!!!!
                          :yougo: :rockband: :yougo:

                          Tampa, FL


                            Newbies in need ODAT - Monday

                            day1 AGAIN!

                            Well, feel like a looser and very upset w/ myself, but I am"getting back on the horse", so they say..........

                            Stayed away from here since hubby was hovering over me all week, a little depressed cuz knee doc said when he opened up my knee, there was alot of tears etc on the damaged part:upset:

                            BUT I am determined to make today the best, first day of the rest of my life.......One Day at a Time!

                            Love you guys:l .................Oh, btw, happy bithday Bessie!!

                            :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                              Newbies in need ODAT - Monday

                              Hi all,

                              Made it thru day 2 but very uncomfortable night lots of vivid dreams I didn't want and clammy all night but have got up with determination for day three.

                              Not only subscribed to gym membership yesterday but worked out.

                              Working on trying to eat healthily and having moments of thinking of total detox and adding the nicotine to the Al so I can really get my brain back.

                              Hope you all have wonderful days! Many blessings, M.

