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Last night was different

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    Last night was different

    OK yesterday was yet another Day 1 AF but for some reason it was different. I am used to drinking wine after everyone goes to bed (usually) to help me sleep--altho I drink way too much of it. Sometimes I leave the house and go buy it around 9 and no one even knows I left--except the guy at the grocery store that is starting to give me sympathetic smile when I buy the wine.

    Anyway last night I started thinking about what all this is costing me financially - wine, supplements, campral, books, tapes, Gym, trainer, Doctors etc. Not to mention the weight I have gained. Well That really hit my tight wad nerve... There is a very expensive watch I want that I have been putting off buying and I realized that 2 months AF and I could more than pay cash.

    Well, no other method of guilt or remorse has worked for more than a day so far so I think I will hang on to this one. The funny thing was I did not even have to fight with myself not to go our and buy it last night. No physical craving or really any nasty taste in my mouth. Extreme hunger - but hopefully that will subside.

    So as they say in Spamalot - I think I "Found My Grail". Wish me luck that this approach works. AND BTW-- I feel really good this AM even tho I did not sleep well last night. I just finished my first cup ot Red tea and I think I will go have another (Warm on the tummy helps with the hunger)


    Last night was different

    Isn't it rediculous how much we pay for our booze. I have calculated an average of 25 pounds(50 dollars) a week. And I am such a tightwad with other things.

    Let's do some math:

    100 pounds each month
    1200 pounds each year
    12000 in ten years.

    I can't believe how much I blow on booze. YIKES

    "If you want to change, then change." -Blonde Chic from LOST


      Last night was different

      I know!!
      I was thinking

      Alcohol at the least was $300/month
      Campral $65
      Supplements - I cant even think

      I would not quit the gym but drinking sent me there and with a trainer thats about $200/mo

      There are way too many things I like to do to keep throwing money away like this (I have only really had a problem for about 8 months)


        Last night was different

        We can use the money we save by not drinking to reward ourselves with something special. Put the money we spend on booze in a special savings jar and see how it adds up!


          Last night was different

          you know I had a long period of AF a few years ago. I remember going to the bank and seeing my balance and wondering, how that happened? I had so much $$$$$$$? First light bulb moment. The next was, how much weight I lost without just started falling off, even with the sugar treats used for cravings.


            Last night was different

            Cosette - I say whatever keeps you motivated - go for it! Way to go on the 2 days!!!!
            Can't wait to see the watch .
            wonder xx


              Last night was different

              I recently got into some alcohol we had in the house. I don't keep any here, but my hubby brought home a holiday gift and it was just sitting there (in a lovely gift bag) in desparation I got into it. I didn't drink all that much, but realized the next day I would have to replace it so he would not find it had been opened. I poured the rest out, and went to the store to re-buy the same bottle. Well, it was a 1 liter bottle of grey goose vodka. I had to spend $43 dollars to replace it!!! I was so upset. What a rediculous way to just throw away hard earned cash!!!

              So, just thought I would share. I am day 2 AF today.

              formerly known as bak310


                Last night was different

                I can't count the number of bottles I replaced so that my husband wouldn't find out I drank the first one. I too am frugal in many ways but wasted money on booze. Now that I'm not drinking, I treat myself fairly regularly wo/any guilt...breakfasts out w/the grandsons, dinner out w/hubby, a nice tenderloin to cook, etc. These are things I wouldn't do if I was drinking (not wanting to add to the waste of money I spent on alcohol). I only have to stay AF today. I'm not worried about tomorrow. thanks everyone. Mary
                Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                October 3, 2012


                  Last night was different

                  An increased bank account and a decreased waist line - definately things to motivate me. I will keep reading the books and taking supplements too.

                  One other interesting thing - I have been out of and Off Effexor for 2 days because Jan 1 my insurance changed and things got messed up. If I continue to not struggle with myself over " to buy or not"I going to stay off the Effexor and see if that has anything to do with it. I actually cant help not taking it right now so we will see- I am not on that big a dose anyway. I know tapering is best but the situation precents it.


                    Last night was different

                    I have been thinking of all the money I am saving by not buying booze and I decided that I would buy some new clothes. It has been a long time since I bought myself some and I am sure I could use some that are in style. It is rediculious when you think about how we spend so much on booze with no problem, but we are chinsy about more important things. I can't wait to buy me some hot new sexy clothes, lol! :H


                      Last night was different

                      I got thru last night too AND I even had to go to the grocery. I never even walked down the WIne aisle. I am feeling so good


                        Last night was different

                        Good for you!
                        I'm on day 4 today the only bad thing is after day 1 I only slept 4 hrs Monday night and only 3 last night. I am a walking zombie today at work.
                        Last night my mind was going nuts about, how much money i have spent what bills i can pay off now that i am determind this time (3rd) to be AF. I am going to by some PMs today so i can get some sleep.
                        Keep it up!!!

