The next day I made an appointment to see my doctor. He was happy to prescribe Naltrexone which I've taken daily for the last month.
It works.
That third bottle I drank on the 12th of December was my last drink.
Not sure why I got to the point where I was drinking three bottles of wine a day in lieu of the bottle of bourbon I really preferred as daily nourishment. I just don't seem to have an "off switch" when it comes to drinking. The how is easy; chasing the buzz I never seemed to be able to catch.
There has been only one really hard to deal with event. A dinner we went to where the host served a "flight" of wines. Watching my old friends paraded past on a platter nearly sent me over the edge. But, I was two weeks into sobriety at the time and wasn't about to f++k it up.
While I'm enjoying greater productivity and starting to see some of the health benefits from not drinking, the greatest benefit, I think, is that my wife doesn't have to deal with an unpredictable drunken ass for a husband. People close to me say that I'm much nicer to be around. I've lost four pounds too.
I really thought this was going to be hard. It hasn't been. If your on the fence about quitting, try this program! Its really working for me.