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This Damn Pity Party

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    This Damn Pity Party

    Sounds like you had a perfectly awful day yesterday!
    Terrific job coming here to vent!
    You should be proud of your 9 AF days...and today will make 10! AWESOME!
    Sorry to hear about the arseh&%e, and no gift or card. Maybe he doesn't realise how much it hurt you? Get your feelings out...give them to him to deal with, so you can move forward.Hope you check in, you are in my thoughts
    love and hugs,
    Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


      This Damn Pity Party

      Just wanted to let you know I was thinking about you and hopeing you are having a better day! With each day we are moving forward..........

      Together we can do this!
      "Faith is taking the first step, even when you don't see the whole staircase." -- Martin Luther King Jr.


        This Damn Pity Party

        Masq - ha! Sucks! No prezzie or card? You have every right to feel's not about gifts but about acknowledgement and cherishing....go get deserve it girl!

        I cried and ranted and raved my way through the first couple of weeks.....everything I had squashed down came up...ouch! But it was good and it passed...into coming up still but handling it and moving forwards and it's good. Hang in good comes of squashing it's not decision time but just time to stay AF until anything naturally becomes clear(er!)

        Morgan - thanks for reminding me that there are men who commit and last! I personally am not of the men are a***holes coz I think there are many women a***holes too! Just that it seems at 50 as if there are no men available 'out there' coz they're either commited (sic!) like you or commitment phobes or 'single-for-a-reason'!!! Aaaagh! I will not lose faith!

        Masq - and all.....keep really does get better...just let the emotions flow and tell us about're not going mad..honest. It's all just the healing process starting up...

        Hugs FMS xx
        :heart: c: :heart:
        "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


          This Damn Pity Party

          I did make it through day 9 last night with the help of chat friends. It REALLY helps to talk with you all. I even laughed (Thanks Rip et al) ... Who knew menopause and "fear of flatulence" would be comic relief for alkies? hehehe

          Day 10 was rough as well. But I kept reverting back to your words. It truly is one step/day at a time.

          Love to all. Masq ... planning to conquer day 11
          Courage is fear that has said its prayers. - Karl Barth
          :wings: :huggy

