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Middle-aged and just starting

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    Middle-aged and just starting

    Hi Raven,
    I turned 50 last year, and since the age of 40 have been trying to give up alcohol.My tolerance had slowly crept up.
    Those 10 years flew by, but at 49 I was actively searching for something to help me. I had realised that there was nothing worse than someone of my age acting the way I was.
    I found MWO in October last and have had an intial 33 days AF, tried moderating for December ( did not work for me, bad time to try!) but still managed 15 days AF. Now on day 10 of another 30days AF.
    I would have not believed 3 months ago that I could do this!
    With all the support from the wonderful people here YOU CAN DO THIS!
    Stay here with us and post and read as much as you can it will help, but does become another addiction :H

    Good luck on your journey

    In life we can live out our dreams its true
    the one who decides,takes chances,makes choices is YOU.


      Middle-aged and just starting

      Thanks guys!

      Thank you so much for the warm welcome everyone! I'm overwhelmed and feeling more sure this is the right place to be.

      Not feeling too great this morning...but then, that's my own fault isn't it?

      I've abused alcohol ever since I was around 16 years old. So that's about 3 decades! How sad. It's caused me untold trouble and heartache for my family, yet I never seemed to have the good sense to get away from it. In fact, I can remember one of my classmates in high school having to sit me in her car in the parking lot because she was afraid the teacher would catch on to how drunk I was. My father was - I now believe - a functional alcoholic. He always kept a bottle under his desk at home. That was where I got my liquor. I'd snitch some of his when he wasn't around.

      It's only in the last 5 years that things have gotten really bad though. When my mother died, it broke my heart so bad I just didn't know how to get back on my feet again. She was 85. Thus the increase in drinking.

      Anyway...that's a brief introduction. So glad to be here. Looking forward to this journey and getting to know my fellow travelers.



        Middle-aged and just starting

        RG, 54 YO married male here, found this site by accident also, and have now started on my journey. I wish you good success...and happiness. I started yesterday living without my old friend AL, and have made it 36 hours so far. Here's wishing you all the success in the world. And, as one newbie to another, this place does offer good support so far as I can tell. Try the chat room in the evening...I had a pretty good time there yesterday!
        War isn't working. Let's try Peace!


          Middle-aged and just starting

          Raven, my mom died two years ago last October. Worked my butt off for two+ years, taking care of her estate while working 60+ hours a week, while the rest of the family did nothing, but sit there with there hands out. Finally sold her condo in late September and became totally unravelled. Went on quite a bender. Finally realized that in the 2+ years, I had not had time to grieve. My mom was 83, and as her caretaker, became so incredibly close to her in the last couple of years. Funny, because my brother and sister were stars in her eyes (altho the bro's star became quite tarnished) and I was the one to always get into trouble and cause problems. Today would have been my parents' 60th wedding anniversary! Doubt the date has any meaning to my older brother. His loss.

          Hey, BHOG, welcome and good job!!!!

          Regardless, glad you found us. East is right, this is my new addiction!

          xxx Suki


            Middle-aged and just starting

            I am 52, have very little recollection of my 40s ( maybe just as well, that is the period of time I had an extremely hard time dealing with getting older) - now I don't give a sh--, do not mind telling my age, except am stuck with all the residual affects -like getting trashed every nite!
            This site is the best thing I have found since I found my husband!

