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Day 4!

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    Day 4!

    Sad to say this is the longest I have gone..
    Started Monday and only slept 4hrs and last I only slept 3hrs.
    Up all night mind spinning telling myself I get through this.
    Last night while I couldn't sleep I ordered topa I just hate it takes so long to get here.
    I have been sweating at night, grouchy to my DH gosh I hope this passes.
    But I am determined to do this. I don't think I can moderate at this time.
    We are going to Vegas in June so my goal is to feel good and LOOK GREAT!!! I want to be by the pool for once and not be ashamed of my body. I going to get some PMs today so I can sleep.
    Thanks for letting my vent a little.

    Day 4!

    day 4 is great mya....good job!
    i am on day 2 today! longest AF was 3 days....we just have to keep trying! ODAT!

    much love and hugs,
    Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


      Day 4!

      4 days... thats great, it's hard I know. Day 5 horrendous for me but feeling better now day 7. Had a weak moment earlier but riding it out. Sucks doesn't it
      Sometimes the only way to stay sane is to go a little crazy


        Day 4!

        Hi mya -

        Those beginning days are so rough, I know, but you're doing it!!!! :goodjob:
        You're in the very worst part (if you ask me). Things will get better and better if you hang in there and ride it out. You will be amazed. You CAN do it !

        Post your buns off ! and let us help you through-
        luv wonder xx


          Day 4!

          Today is day 4 for me too. I'm having a bit of a hard time as I'm home alone and the wife will be out all evening for a business dinner. Sitting home alone is a killer for me. Hope someone is in chat later.
          "uch: When you kick youreslf in the butt, all you get is a sore butt and a tired foot"


            Day 4!

            This must be the day four club. I'm on day four too. At work now, won't be get off until 1.5 hours. My hubby working late so that is hard for me.......he not being there when I get home. I've been combatting things w/sleeping pills. I'll be on chat later. This is one of the hardest days.

