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    New to the forum

    Hi, am new here. This is all a bit scary! Just thought I would introduce myself. Have had a problem with alcohol since I was about 17 and am now 33. Drank a bottle of vodka last night sent a load of abusive text messages to my friends and am sick and tired of losing people I care about because I can't control my drinking. It happens time and time again. At the moment life seems pretty pointless but though I may not be able to undo the harm I've done maybe I can make things better for the future by finally kicking drinking into touch once and for all and would be grateful for any support.

    New to the forum

    Hi Onefortheroad,

    You are at a great time in your life to decide to stop this. I wish I did at your age. I have many many years of humiliation behind me, from before 33 and after. It is scary but, you have found a place where we all understand, been there done that! Hang in there - you will succeed and life will be good!



      New to the forum

      Thank You!

      Hi Jigger, thanks for that. i just want to feel in control of my life and to be able to look myself in the eye again! I pray I will succeed and am glad to have found this forum as I have tried and tried to give up before and don't think I can do it alone. PS am sorry to see from your profile that you are sick. That can't be any fun )o:


        New to the forum

        Hey believe me,

        You are at a great point to stop. You have so much ahead of you. Lots of time. You can feel good about yourself again. You should look up any posts from Satori - his positive posts helped me get thru 4 weeks until I slipped. Now starting over but, so grateful to have this site and people like you who know how it feels. I also know how you are feeling after sending those mssgs. I have lots of e-mails and phone calls I would like to take back. It is not the end though - those will be forgotten. Just remember what it is you hate about drinking and why you are here. Tomorrow - AF - is a new day.



          New to the forum

          Hi One For The Road and :welcome:

          Good for you for knowing and admitting that you have a problem with alcohol, also known as the BEAST ! You have taken your first step toward sobriety, by joining this site. If you keep on reading, you will see that you are not alone. We are all on the same journey to get control over our drinking once and for all.

          Go out and get the book or download it "My Way Out". It is very good, and it details the program. Read it and decide what is best for you. It's good that your still young; there are many of us in our 40's and 50's who have been drinking for decades.....sure wish we had computers and this site back then. But anyway, good luck to you, and hope to see you again on the boards.
          Miss October :blinkylove:


            New to the forum


            Thanks Miss October, am going to bed now as has gone midnight here in the UK but already your kind remarks have given me some hope. Is nice to know that people can be so kind and helpful especially as I really don't feel I deserve it at the moment.


              New to the forum

              Thank You

              Thank You More. Have just realised that if we put our names together it spells ONE MORE!!!! I really hope this isn't going to be the case but am sure it won't be with the help of all you great people!!!!

