My father is an alcoholic - has been for about 40 years now I guess. My maternal grandfather was. My mom had a period in her early thirties after her divorce when she really hit it hard and realized she had that gene and had to just not drink. Clearly there is heredity at play here. And chances are my daughter could have it. I so want to prevent her having these problems later so what do I say? how do I convince her? How much do I share later to express the seriousness of the problem? I dont' want to frighten her and I am doing everything I can to raise a child in a happy home (keeping things hidden fairly well) with two parents (thank God he has stuck by me through all this) and a comfortable financial picture and to give her confidence and assurance that I never had. She is so different than I was at her age already - more confidence, more assured of herself.
Anyway - when do we talk to our children? how honest have you been or do you plan to be? how do we keep them from this torture?