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First Friday night here is the real test DH's

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    First Friday night here is the real test DH's

    friend wants us to go to the country club tonight to meet his friend. DH can't figure out why I don't want to go. First of all I am surprise I told him I didn't want to go b/c always want to go that is the place when the bartender is a good friend and we never have to pay for drinks. I haven't told DH I quit drinking which I know he knows b/c I have been sober for 5 days!!! the longest ever. Anyway DH is going out there to meet the friend an dthen come home. When DH leaves I will be on chat, hope to talk to some people there.
    I still can't believe I'm not going I always jump at the chance

    First Friday night here is the real test DH's

    Good for you. That's always hard for me when mine goes out.


      First Friday night here is the real test DH's

      Mya - Stay strong girl. You are doing awesome! I'm so proud of you.

      Just out of curiosity, why won't you come right out and tell him you quit drinking?

      Love, Me
      Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


        First Friday night here is the real test DH's

        Do you know how much strength you just shown, LOTS!!!! I am so proud of you, you are doing this for you and your sons. Same reason I am...hour by hour, like you. It took one decision and you made a damn good one!! Also AF tonight, third day, counting 4 at midnight, lol.
        This is no longer a drinking's a matter of Life or Death!!!


          First Friday night here is the real test DH's

          You go, girl!

          See you on chat...

          Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


            First Friday night here is the real test DH's

            Well I told DH I quit and at first like I thought he was saying basically that the only way I could not drink is to go to rehab that I couldn't do it on my own. Then he said that I hoped I proved him wrong. Then he went on to tell me about certain occasions when I thought he didn't know I was drinking but he did. I'm suprised he hasn't left me way before this. I thought I could go AF for 30 days and then moderate but now I know I won't be able to I am going to have to be AF always. The thing is I don't even feel like drinking tonight.


              First Friday night here is the real test DH's

              I've got to say it again - I'm so proud of you. You've shown amazing strength!!

              Stay with us. You'll prove him wrong!! I know you will. :goodjob:

              Love, Me
              Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.

