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Blew it on Day 5

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    Blew it on Day 5

    Plus one huge thing that I noticed when I tried just drinking only on the weekend, was not only was I wishing the week away, but the weekends were totally lost to drinking. I got little to nothing done. I spent from Friday night to Monday morning either drinking, drunk or hungover.

    I know that this might wrinkle a few shorts, but for those of you are trying to quit for your first, second, tenth time, I do think that an accomplishment of only drinking during the weekends is a HUGE if you were drinking everyday. If you can do it only on the weekend, then cut it down to only one day a weekend, then only 6 beers, 4 beers etc..... As long as you never stop fighting, you have't lost the fight.

    Thinking of everyone tonight.

    "If you want to change, then change." -Blonde Chic from LOST


      Blew it on Day 5

      onthegrand;253997 wrote: Well, I made it to day 5 and of course Friday night rolls around and I start justifying way I should be able to drink!!! My mind kept telling that "hey, perhaps now you can just be a moderate drinker and only drink on weekends". Has this happened to anyone and has it been successful. I had 4 beers last night. I feel bad about it today but I'm also wondering whether I can be successful as a moderate drinker? I guess time will tell. I stll feel very positive about this program and ultimately I would love to be able to have a few drinks a couple of times a week and leave it at that!!! Any thoughts?
      Blew it on day five, huh? Yea, almost makes you wish there weren't any weekends. That has to be one of the hardest parts of recovery.

      Well, try and try again, OTG. You ain't alone... God knows that's the damn truth!

      Stay optimistic.

      I went into a "social setting" and had three Cosmos... not VM's thank God, which are about 10 times stronger than Cosmos! I'm not mad at myself and I'm not depressed, which is good


        Blew it on Day 5

        Great job Shikakai. You sound much happier!!
        Goal 1: Today
        Goal 2: Tomorrow


          Blew it on Day 5

          My brain does it to me to.. im trying to be a moderate drinker. I mean.. Its OK to drink.. right? As long as you dont over do it... I mean.. if it werent prohibition wouldve still been in effect.. i just tend to let it get the best of me.. heh.. all the time :-(

          My mind will say.. ok.. maybe only Friday and Saturday nights... It never works though. soon im cracking open a bottle sunday evening and going to work aching and sluggish... and the process repeats through the week.

          Still a bit of VK left from my binge last night.. Im having a hrad time trying to decide if i should dump it..



            Blew it on Day 5

            Dump it, Shellz. Please? I just returned from a big wedding reception and really almost succumbed to the "just one glass" temptation. I didn't, though---asked the bartender for a club soda with lime and marched straight to the table with the chocolate-dipped strawberries! I just couldn't post here tonight and type, "Well, it was ALMOST Day 11 for me..." And I'll be DAMNED if I'll EVER start over at Day 1---I like big numbers!
            Jane Jane


              Blew it on Day 5

              Jane Jane- Congrats on leaving the temptation at the altar (Just kidding)....
              Seriously, I'm proud of your determination... keep going, and Happy Monday!

              Tampa, FL


                Blew it on Day 5

                Hi onthegrand, Just wanted to add that I also blew it on day 5 (yesterday). I made it through the weekend, and Sunday night at 9:00 pm, I was out the door to buy beer. It was almost like I was outside my body looking in, the motions just "in place". Personally, I cannot moderate. For example, last night...a 12 pack would have been mod for me, because I got back in my car at 1:00 AM for another 6. I passed three cops who had someone pulled over on the side of the road. Scary! The good news is, like so many here have said, it reminded me of why I have to quit. I'm back to day one. How are you doing on your journey?
                This is no longer a drinking's a matter of Life or Death!!!


                  Blew it on Day 5

                  I've trashed so many day 5 day runs I've lost count. It becomes a "Lost Weekend" for me. If I could stop at a 6 pack I probably wouldn't worry about it, but a 6 pack usually leads to a fifth of 80 proof s*$# on Friday or Saturday night. Then I'm at the liquor store buying a half gallon of the same 80 proof poison by 10:00 the next morning. Monday is a day of well, puking, can't eat, etc., but it's day 1 all over. Moderation is about as realistic for this individual as growing wings and flying to the moon. Just won't ever happen for me. Anyone who's been reading my posts for any length of time knows this about me. Today isn't so bad, I've been eating, doing my all one powder and fish oil, etc, and staying sober, just like last week. The weekend scares me to death, cuz one weekend I may just end up dead for real. For those who can moderate, more power to you. For those who can't, please don't fool yourselves. It's a death trap.
                  "uch: When you kick youreslf in the butt, all you get is a sore butt and a tired foot"


                    Blew it on Day 5

                    Wonderful advice from all of you!!! Thank you so very much. I think I should definitely do 30 AF which will help me take back control!!!

