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I fianlly did it!

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    I fianlly did it!

    Well folks, I finally took the plunge to become alcohol free. My last drink was Thursday evening. I went to the Doctor yesterday and got his advice and desired medication and vitamins. I didn't sleep real well and I feel a little jittery but I have made it through this far. I refrained from going to my neihbor's for a little get together as I knew there was alcohol there and I do not yet feel strong enough to say no. I stayed in and watched movies or worked on a model. I hear that the first week is the hardest. Is that true? Anyway, here I am and I am going to do this as not only do I want me back, but also my family! Thank you for your help.:new:

    I fianlly did it!

    Good job!!! The first week I think is the hardest physically but I think the mental part is forever however for me it does diminish a ton after about 5 days.


      I fianlly did it!

      Nice, jettek! I am so happy for you! Yes, the first week is the hardest, especially the first 5. So, please stay very close and talk a lot here.



      Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


        I fianlly did it!

        Well done you! it is really hard but worth it when you see your life coming back together. ive not quite managed it myself but from reading the posts here i can tell that its the best thing that people ever do for themselves. good luck!!!



          I fianlly did it!

          Jettek: You are headed in the right direction. Going to the doctors and admitting you have a drinking problem is a big step. Stay consistent with taking your meds and vitamins. In a short time you will feel mentally and physically better. Yes... Staying AF gets a little easier after one week of concerted effort. Always keep in mind: Drinking does nothing for you. It doesn't enhance you or make your life better. Drinking only brings you down, especially the headache, jitters and guilt that goes with it. The more you experience life sober, the more you are going to want to stay sober. I wish you the best! -Reenie
          September 23, 2011


            I fianlly did it!

            Welcome, Jettek,
            This is a great place to get help while you are in this process. Keep reading and posting.

            Attempting to be,


              I fianlly did it!

              :goodjob: Jettek.
              Yes saying noway does get easyer with time, though there will still be good days & bad day's. A good nights sleep will come when your body finishes detoxing, Bad dreams etc are normal the first few nights. Did the doc give you something to help you sleep? If not you may wan't to go back, a good sleep is important. Stick to your program, & keap posting & reading. Things do get better. A whole lot better. Im on day 20 Af. Been doing the MWO sup's for 5 days & I FEEL GOOD. Woo Hooo!!!!!!!!
              Best of luck on your journey:thumbs: Oh Ya forgot to say :welcome:
              There's more to life than success. The greatest success is living well.


                I fianlly did it!

                Jetteck, there is nothing that feels as good as staring this problem square in the eyes. Congrats on your decision! Our families do need us back...
                This is no longer a drinking's a matter of Life or Death!!!


                  I fianlly did it!

                  #Days now!

                  I can't believe it. I've made it 3 days! The nights are still a little rough sleeping and all. Tossing/turning and sweaty. And what really hurts is all alone. As I mentioned earlier, not only is important to me to get me back but my family. My wife of 19 years left me last week and took my children with her. We have talked and she said she will be back if I get sober. However, she has already filed for divorce so I am confused. I will make myself better now as that is all I can control. If this happened 3 weeks ago, I would have drank myself into oblivion. Instead, I am on day 3 AF! Thank you all for all of your help, support and understanding! Learning to live, jettek


                    I fianlly did it!

                    Jettek - congrats on day 3!! That was the hardest day for me and I logged on this site and received amazing encouragement. It's been 18 AF days since I joined MWO. And it does gets much better after your first week. Hell, I was awesome just after my day 3 and I do not take supps. I haven't gone 3 days w/o alcohol for years.

                    You have a huge motivation in wanting your family back and I wish you the best. But I hope you want to get healthy either way. You need to do this for you as well. Stay strong and if you find yourself in a weak moment, log on fast. Someone is always on line 24/7.
                    We are here for you.

                    Good Luck. Keep in touch and read as many posts as you can. These are amazing people with so much to share.

                    Love, Me
                    Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


                      I fianlly did it!

                      Sorry to hear about the circumstances leading to your sobriety but the good news is that you have started on this journey and it will lead you to a better life if you let it.
                      Here's wishing you smooth sailing..

                      Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.
                      - Soren Kierkegaard


                        I fianlly did it!

                        Well here I am facing day 5 af square in the face and I'm winning! I finally slept decent last night, although only about 5 hrs. before having to go to work. But it's day 5 and i'm still dry. I am very excited to continue down this path for many reasons. First and foremost for me and my health and a very close second, for my family. I received some lab results today and the doctor wants to get more labs done in 6 weeks as my liver function was somewhat escalated. Nothing serious he said. I guess something has to deteriorate after drinking 8+ beers a night for 20+ years. Never again! I want to thank everyone for your help and understanding, it certainly makes it much easier. I will keep everyone posted as I overcome this horrible disease. Thanks again, jettek :thanks:


                          I fianlly did it!

                          Way to go Jettek!
                          September 23, 2011


                            I fianlly did it!

                            Way to go!
                            I'm at the end of day 9 and if I can do it you can!
                            I slept really good last night, the first days are hard but your at the end.
                            Keep on going


                              I fianlly did it!

                              Congratulations on three days.... The first week sucks.... Personally, I thought the first two weeks were tough. More of it was mental than physical. I had days of anxiety and the sleeping can be difficult. But when you wake up in the morning you can look yourself in the mirror and have no regrets or remorse. Besides the motivation for your family, everyday of being alcohol free is a personal achievement.
                              Welcome to the alcohol free club... We are happy to have you aboard.

