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Roberta's program

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    Roberta's program

    Hi all...

    I'm soooo not AF right now. Already 8 deep into my beerfest today...but need to know something.

    I'm really not meaning to be pleeeeez don't take it that way, but I need to know something. How many people here are following the "No Way Out" program?"

    What I mean is...I don't see a lot of discussion here about the program, book, etc.,

    Am I missing something? I know that I'm in a beer fog and have only been here for a few days...but that's the way I am...suspicious, not quite sure of anything, wanting to be sure of what I believe in.

    Are any of you on the supplements? Are they working? Is this the right place for me to be?

    God, I'm so sick of this! Every weekend is the same...drinking, feeling anxious, and trying to avoid what I'm really feeling.

    Please let me know how this program has helped you. My book won't ship until next week.

    Raven Girl

    Roberta's program

    Raven, MWO and the people who post here have saved my life. It might take a couple of starts, but it works.

    No judgement, only unconditional support.

    My life is completely different since I found MWO. The book arrived today, had used the pdf, which I downloaded but, but was not complete. Using the supps. Feel better, healthier than I have in years.


      Roberta's program

      I think everyone on here is using the program to different degrees.
      There are people on her that have been AF for over a year!
      Some are successful at moderating.
      I myself take all the supps including the Amino Acids from this RJ's Healthstore.

      I will tell you that altough I am not AF these boards, the book, supps, and the program have made my life turn around. Go to the "What are We Reading" area and you will find a wealth of books that will inspire you and books that will give you ideas of why we drink and our brain chemistry, etc.

      This site allows me to know that I am not alone in this struggle. It is a sounding board, a place to ask any question that you may not want to share with your doctor or spouse. If I slip it allows me to share my anxiety and my disappointment in my slips. It celebrates my successes! Just being 2 days or 3 days AF is celebrated here!

      This site is nothing but the program. I love it here. Read through it and you will find that the people on MWO are the most special, giving, and caring group of people and we are all bonded because of our alcohol issues.

      Good Luck to you Raven!


        Roberta's program

        Raven, I joined here 18 months ago, drinking from 6am every day, around 5 bottles of wine every day ...

        After following this programme, I now have 3-4 af days every week, and when I do drink its only 2-3 glasses of wine ...........

        Yes this programme works, but only if you want it too .....

        Al the best ........


          Roberta's program

          Thanks Suki...

          I want to believe, but am naturally a skeptic.



            Roberta's program

            Soccermom and BettyBoop...

            Thank you for the support.

            Weekends are hard for me. Something about the grocery store draws me towards the beer aisle. The music only makes me so incredibly sad...thinking about my mom (deceased).

            Can't wait for the book, that's why I'm asking about whether or not it has helped y'all here at the community board.



              Roberta's program

              i'm a skeptic too and also not AF yet, but until I stumbled on this site, I was SO alone and ashamed in my problem. Just finding so many others out there with similar stories to mine was a godsend. I kept thinking, well, I'm going to have to bite the bullet and go to AA, but could never bring myself. I did read the book but for me I think the support and advice will be the main thing.
              :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


                Roberta's program


                This site allows me to know that I am not alone in this struggle. It is a sounding board, a place to ask any question that you may not want to share with your doctor or spouse. If I slip it allows me to share my anxiety and my disappointment in my slips. It celebrates my successes! Just being 2 days or 3 days AF is celebrated here!

                What an incrediable statement.going up on my fridge AND at work!


                  Roberta's program

                  Hi Raven

                  I think that you will find that the people here that are having success, and there are many, will agree that they are following the MWO program. When I first joined (the first few day, I just read the boards and tired to MOD)......big mistake! I was drinking like I always did. So, I downloaded the book and ordered the Kutzu and the L-glutamine, I was already taking a good multiple. I also got serious about some form of exercise, walking or weights every day. I started to reconcition my mind with hypno CD's and uplifting reading and still becoming more active here, in chat, and on the boards. My drinking definitely started becoming less than before. But, for me, modding was way too much work and I was not sure that I could honestly mod, meaning that I was Positive I would not over drink. In my heart, I knew I would. So, I went AF, the first time, I was AF 9 days. Now I am 21 days AF and I am a non-drinker. I am never complacent regarding drinking and I am brutaly honest with myself when the thought of having "just one" even enters my mind. I have to say I feel better and better with each passing day.

                  Raven, I will not tell you that this is easy and as easy a reading a book and taking some pills. This still takes total comittment on your part. But, with your comittment and the suggestions in the book anyone can do this!

                  Good Luck,
                  A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                  AF 12/6/2007


                    Roberta's program

                    Dexter and Kate...


                    I'm so tired of this crap.

                    Even drinking at work now!! That's crazy! They like me there, and I don't want to lose my job.

                    My DP was looking at me funny this afternoon because I was "slurring my speech."

                    Jeez. What a waste of time and life!

                    Do any of you also attend AA meetings?



                      Roberta's program

                      RavenGirl - I'll give you complete honesty. I do not follow the program. Have not ordered the book or CDs. And by the time the supplement Kudzu arrived, I was already 10 days AF. I took the Kudzu once, but feel that I really don't need it. I've been a heavy beer drinker for about 15 years. I could hardly go 2-3 days without it and when I drank, I killed a good 12 - 15 beers each time. One day I accidentally came to a link for this site and thought I'd check it out. I too was a bit skeptic, didn't know if people were nice because they get a cut of profits if they helped sell the program, etc. (I swear - I really thought this). But, I kept reading and it said it was free to join the posts and chat, so why not? Kept reading, and I loved every beautiful word I read. No one judged other people. It was nothing but an amazing out pouring of genuine love, support and inspiration. Decided to put my own post out there and asked people about their opinions on non-alcohol beer and gave a bit of insight as to my background. Got a few great replies.

                      Well, day 3 for me was an absolute killer. Always has been my downfall. I wanted a beer soooo bad that I was on the verge of tears. (By the way, I live with other alcoholics and I'm around beer 24/7). The cravings were so bad, but I managed to log on to the site before I gave in, desparate for any help at all. And there it was. A post addressed directly to me! To me!! Someone cared! Someone really understood what I was talking about! It was two simple sentences that changed my life. I did end up crying, but they were tears of joy not of feeling sorry for myself. I've been AF 17 days now. I may not post everyday, but I do check in. Even try to offer help if I can.

                      Because I was a beer drinker, I found it easier to give it up because they make so many great non-alcohol beers. The taste alone has really helped me with the cravings. This most likely is the reason I probably do not need the Kudzu.

                      Now I'm not saying you do not have to follow the program. I have heard nothing but positive comments about it. But you do have to find out what will work for you. Book? Supps? NA drink? May be the full blown program. But you do need to post, raise a flag when you need help immediately. But most of have to really want this. When I realize now how much easier it gets with each passing day, I kick myself in the ass for staying drunk and unhappy for so many years.

                      Please stay with us. Give it a try. You've got nothing to lose. Only a lifetime of health and happiness to gain.

                      Love, Me
                      (sorry my posts tend to get long). :dunno:
                      Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


                        Roberta's program


                        You need to be here stay and be part of the community which i feel i have now become after only 3/4 weeks I am not AF just trying moderate and the supps tapes etc are working but I have good days and bad more bad than good at the moment but reading the threads etc i believe i am on the right track.

                        Oh and I too posted a thread much the same as this in fact I almost said it was just a money making site I don't believe that now. I was very impressed when i saw the author step in on a thread when a persons health was at risk.

                        Stay with us


                          Roberta's program

                          Welcome Raven and be strong! This is a great place to help you build your strength to fight! It is helping me. Be strong!

                          "I've done it. I don't need to drink anymore. I'm free!"-Jason Vale


                            Roberta's program

                            i've never been .. some here have gone , think some still do... lots of opinions here about it
                            :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


                              Roberta's program

                              Personally, I'm doing this because I don't want to go to AA. I was looking for another way to handle this problem and found this site.
                              My husband is adament that I do something about my drinking or he might leave.
                              I didn't want to admit that I had a problem, but it is true. Especially after reading such similar stories here.

                              I do feel different since starting the program. I have good days and bad, but will keep trying ODAT......
                              How about you.........

                              Attempting to be,

