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Can anyone tell me....
Can anyone tell me....
First of all, congrats on your day 10!! That's awesome.
As far as the guilt goes, well, I guess that depends on what you feel guilty for. It's all about forgiving yourself. Make apologizes to others (if need be) and then chalk it up to the fact that we all make mistakes. You're only human. You have to let it go. Forgive yourself and allow yourself the time to heal. You'll get there.
Stay with us. We are here for you always.
Love, MeAlcohol is simply the device between success and failure.
Can anyone tell me....
yes, YOU have to let go of the guilt. Know you are working on being a better person...a more positive person. Growth is only supressed by guilt.
Now if it really is the quilt that is still hurting I can only suggest a softer bed linen.Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.
Can anyone tell me....
Hi 2nd Chance-
Way to go on those 10 days!!! That is so great. And I know what you mean about guilt. It's like you stop drinking and get off the merry-go-round and all the stuff that's been piling up behind the alcohol hits you hard. And when you're at your weakest too. But it' okay. As you continue to heal and to feel better and to become the REAL you, the past will fade in time. And I agree, where amends are necessary in time, you'll know in your gut, and you can set things right. DO NOT LET the guilt send you back to the bottle !!
Just keep going! Take good care of yourself and celebrate your new start. Give yourself credit for what you are undertaking here. And..... keep posting!
wonder xx
Can anyone tell me....
2nd Chance... maybe we should start a thread, "What I feel the most guilt about"... it'd be a mile long, no doubt. There are so many things that I've done... and then again, so many things that I failed to do that I'm guilty, too. (Like never show up at school events for my kids because I was "too busy"; never chaperone on Friday nights because it was "my time to be out"; never go to the Sunday afternoon neighborhood social because I was "mowing the lawn"~ do you want some more examples? How about my behavior as a drunk hostess? How about really rude "jokes" that were truly insulting?
The past is gone and cannot be changed. It's what we do with tomorrow that makes the difference. :h:
Tampa, FL
Can anyone tell me....
Also wante to lend my support 2nd chance. 10 days is Incredible!!! Keep up the good work. Some really good posts here, not sure what to add. The guilt....overpowering. But you moving forward and must somehow come to peace with that. I am also struggling with guilt.
Not Happy Hour....I would certainly be posting on a thread about guilt. Maybe it would help us release guilt by fessing up and opening up.This is no longer a drinking problem...it's a matter of Life or Death!!!