Had a car break down yesterday which messed up my tightly timed day ...... but the interesting thing was I didn't really get that stressed about it. It was inconvenient but I re-arranged stuff and still got things done and got home safely. I rang hubby about it and it turned out it was something that he hadn't done properly that caused the problem but I didn't blame him and he thanked me for being so understanding about it. Later on, I realised it was almost certainly because I wasn't feeling crap with a hangover and I wasn't stressing about getting back home to open a bottle (to make me feel better - hahaha! - such an illusion!). My sense of humour seems more regular, I get less stressed about things generally, am kinder to OH, I get sooooo much more done in the evenings as I am not drinking and I wake, if not bright eyed and bushy tailed (takes a pot of tea before that occurs!) then certainly not feeling crap. Really just trying to say, as so many of you know and for those of you that don't, that the benefits of staying away from Al are many and varied and life improving in lots of ways you don't expect when you first start here.
Today feels like a good one. A birthday lunch ("no thanks, I'm driving") and another evening in alone - a danger point - but I am ready for it. I really don't want to drink. I am not struggling with the idea - boy does that make things easier!
I have filled in my drink tracker with zeros until the end of the month and have to plan at least a couple of days ahead to avoid trying situations but am still only going to take it one day at a time. Today I will not drink.
Love to all who follow. Hope you have a great day.
Bessie xx