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Making a bold effort to stop
Making a bold effort to stop
Welcome, :welcome: you have made the first often, ask questions, read the bood, try the supplements, you will find "your Way Out" that is what is sooooo great about this place!!
Let us know how you are doing, and ask plenty of questions, none are too silly or dumb, believe me.................we will do all we can to help you no matter what!!
Love and hugs,:h :l
MA:rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:
Making a bold effort to stop
Croft - a great place to go is the newbies in need thread - it will give you a lot of perspective on us all and the support and challenges we face.
Welcome and good luck! I look forward to seeing you around!Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction.I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.
Making a bold effort to stop
Not yet. Have ordered herbal crap, drugs and the hypnosis cds. Still unsure if all of this will actually work. Feel like I have spent a ton of money. Hope the post delivers quickly so I can see if this actually will work. Scared that it might.
Making a bold effort to stop
have you tried the herbal stuff and the drugs? do they really work? I just ordered a bunch a bunch of stuff and feel like now I am poor and still drinking. Although not too poor as clearly I can aford a bottle of vodka....sigh..
Making a bold effort to stop
I wish I was feeling more friendly. What I really want is to crawl under my covers and go back to sleep and hopefully wake up to a world that does not look like the one I live in today. I really don't want to reach out. I want to hide. This is a new approach and I am unsure.
Making a bold effort to stop
Welcome Croft, I am new here also but have found this site very helpful, just reading and posting messages, I am 4 days AF and feel great, although a bit edgy today,,
Tell your story as I did, I got some great advice, and also some lovely support, they seem like a really nice bunch here. (some slightly crazy, you know who you are) :H :H :welcome:
Making a bold effort to stop
So a story, I am told. A story to post. There might not be enough room and I am not sure I want to spill my guts just yet. Let's just say that a way to take the edge off became a way to deal with life. And now it is an issue that is keeping me from really dealing with life. Besides, who really wants to read all those sad stories anyway. I just want to stop craving vodka drinks in the morning..... and beer runs in the afteroon.....and whisky shots in the evening.
Making a bold effort to stop
"Just Joined, Now what?" Sounds so familiar! I asked the same question about 10 days ago! Now what? Here's what I did, maybe some of it will help you. As soon as I got home from work, the first thing I did was log on, start reading, get in the chat room. I discovered I wwas not alone! Found out I am not the only person in the world who wants to crawl under the covers and stay there. Discovered I am not the only one wh ocounts the hours until the next drink. Found out that I am not alone in hiding my comsumption from my wife and kids. Others have been down all of these roads.
Friend, stay on here. Read the posts, laugh, cry, do it all. Use this as something to help occupy your mind and hands, let your old buddy AL stay out on his own for a while.
For me, being behind a nickname gave me a better ability to let my hair down. This site has so many wonderful people on it, so many who have been where I was, where you are now. They are real good about helping, listening, and NOT being judgemental. God knows I can beat up on myself just fine, I did not need anyone else to do it for me.
Stick in here! Know that it will not be easy, and it damn sure won't be fun. But it will be worth it!
God Bless and Wecome again!
BHOGWar isn't working. Let's try Peace!
Making a bold effort to stop
welcome read around, don't need to spill your guts...there is support here as much or as little as you need
read the book
what works for me is getting some af days under my belt and feeling in control and feeling good
I take it one day at a time
all i know is i know where i don't want to go and who i don't want to be
good luck
Making a bold effort to stop
Croft :welcome: ........... you know, you can do this. You have ordered the supps and stuff so obviously you want to do it. Unfortunately hiding from it wont work. As others here would say you need to meet the beast head and and battle with him.
No one says that it is easy but with the help of the lovely people it is very achievable ........
Keep reading and posting and all the best in your journey.sigpicXXX