Me again.
Congratulations on your senior status Paula! (doffs hat - or I would if I was wearing one!)
OK Universal - shall we do those 10 days together? I've just dug out my supps again as I don't seem to be stringing together too many days at the moment. I've a meeting (in a pub!) during the week which will be a bit of a challenge but I can do it. Especially if I am having to keep up with someone else who has the same goal.
Lunapro - nice to see you here. Keep posting.

Charlee - Satori and Chief are just so damn wise and sensible. Their advice is so sound and born from experience. And right. For men that is something..... LOL!! Only joking any men on here! Honest!
Bessie xx (putting off going out into the wet and mud to muck out, feed and drag in 2 revoltingly dirty horses.....)