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AF to the end of the month show ....!

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    AF to the end of the month show ....!

    Livingfree - your post, specially the big letters at the bottom, made me grin. What an inspiration!! You better believe you are 24 days - that is fantastic! You must feel so proud of yourself.

    Going to reposition my supps like you suggest. Good luck with the family. Got any AF wine or beer that might help? Or just take the dog/kid/old aunty out for a walk as often as possible...???

    Universal - I forgive you for starting the ODAT thread!! LOL!! Whoever gets there first. You did so well last night. Awesome. Especially with some nice vintage wine there too - it would have been too much for me. You are a tough cookie with Al so I know you'll draw the strength to deal with the BF. Good luck and hugs.

    Suki411 - Do not let these sleazeball crooks spoil your ride to the end of the month. They are just NOT worth it. Think of them naked when you come across them in court. Not a nice picture I'm sure but may help you take them less seriously - the jokers that they are.
    Hang on in there - it will end and you will be the stronger for it. Love and hugs.

    Bessie xx (just saying nooooooo - thanks Poohbear!)


      AF to the end of the month show ....!

      Hey Good Morning Everyone !

      I'm at work and have a radio station on my PC, and Aerosmith is playing, "Dude looks like a Lady". Love that song......they played that song in Mrs. Doubtfire with Robin Williams if anyone saw that. So it feels like party time already, and AL is not invited !!

      Universal, you should be so proud of yourself today. I know it's not easy for you but your doing so great at 4 AF DAYS !!

      Poohbear, great job reading a book. That seems to be the thing to do around here. I usually just read in the summer outside by the pool. But I can read at night now if I wish, cause now I'm AF, and like you, I can now remember what I read, and what I watch on TV.....very nice.

      Living Free, that is awesome at 24 AF days. I now have a total of 20 AF days this January but not in a row. Al got the best of me last Thursday.....the big F-er. But I forgave him and sent him right back down to HELL nfire: where he belongs.

      Let's all hang on for this great ride to the end of January !
      Miss October :blinkylove:


        AF to the end of the month show ....!

        On day 2 AF (once again, sigh) and determined to make it to the end of this month. Only 6 days, I can do this!!

        Hanging on for the ride. Wheee!!

        AF April 9, 2016


          AF to the end of the month show ....!

          No sigh......just wheeeeeeeeeee!!!!
          sobriety date 11-04-07


            AF to the end of the month show ....!

            morning everyone - well for some morning for some evening? time changes are hard for me to figure out. Anyway made it through last night - OK it's friday - we CAN and WILL do this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This friday night shouldn't be too hard for me as I have to get up at 6:00 am saturday to go work for a few hours - saturday night will be the hard one for me.

            Still not sleeping so hot but I haven't slept well in years so not even sure I would know how at this point. I think part of it is my dang dog wants to sleep with me but she is restless too and keeps waking me up - ughhhhhh

            welcome back cindi - you can do it just 6 more days - hang on to us we will help you.

            I am finding myself that everytime I think about taking a drink I hear all these voices saying, don't do it, don't do it, don't do it - hahaha this does seem to be helping.


            adios for now - have a great day

            when you fail at something is when you learn and grow the most


              AF to the end of the month show ....!

              hello everyone
              day 4 and hanging in there. i'm concerned about tonight because fridays are usually drinking nights but i'm determined. happy friday!
              "Love is large, love defies limits. People talk about the sanctity of is by definition sacred. Not some love between some people but all love between all people" ~ Jennifer Beals


                AF to the end of the month show ....!

                had to post this real quick for myself as well as everyone else. I am still just as determined but it's getting harder. I am still at work and having STRONG thoughts of stopping at the liq store after I got off work in 2 hours - I AM NOT GOING TO DO IT
                when you fail at something is when you learn and grow the most


                  AF to the end of the month show ....!

                  Come on, Pooh, you can do this. :exclaim: Is this your first Friday? Trust me, it's the hardest. I felt like I was ripping myself off by NOT drinking on that first Friday.... it'll pass.

                  DETOUR YOUR NIGHT: Go to Wal-mart. Get take out from your local Chinese joint.
                  Stop at Barnes and Noble, BROWSE, smell the coffee.
                  Grab a cup of java- either there or at Starbucks.
                  Stop at DQ and get a triple chocolate brownie blizzard.
                  Use your cell phone on the way home and call someone that you love the most.:heart:

                  Much love,

                  Tampa, FL


                    AF to the end of the month show ....!

                    ok all - we can do it. We own the weekend - it doesn't own us! Everyone do something rewarding for themselves this weekend. whiten you teeth - get a massage - take a bubble bath surrounded by candles - you know ... something pampering. Me - I'm off to the family gathering in the Cities, but am planning on drinking Al Free pina colodas (sp???)!!! (great idea bessie - thx). Love you all - we can do this. Were in it together. It's a team effort remember. Be thinking about your team when the temptation arises! Go all the way. Less than a week to go!
                    AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

                    Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

                    (from the Movie "Once")


                      AF to the end of the month show ....!

                      Just checking in v quickly. Up early and off to get horse ready and stables done etc before heading off to one of my favourite places for hunting. Should be a beautiful day though a bit breezy.

                      Love and hugs to all. Good luck for keeping going through the weekend. When we get out the other side there will only be 4 silly little days to the end of the month!!

                      I'm out tonight but will be driving so that's that one sorted. Tomorrow I might just be able to chill out a little bit more but still plenty to do so maybe not :upset:

                      Is it me or have the emoticons changed??

                      Bessie xx


                        AF to the end of the month show ....!

                        Bessie, I think the emotions have changed........I know last night I sat and cried - without Alcohol - and usually I drink cause I"m emotional BUT I don't get the tears out UNTIL I've had that drink - 6 days in and I can feel again - it really actually sucked to be honest - I didn't want to feel..........but I perservered and didn't take that drink.

                        You're right, once we get to Monday only 4 days to achieve our little goal.........I'm taking the supps religiously and really excited about accomplishing this goal.

                        I hope everyone else is doing well - remember, reach out and take our hands, we're in this together.

                        Love and Hugs,
                        Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                          AF to the end of the month show ....!

                          Happy your suggestions to Pooh. Will read these on a saturday morning when I'm grumbling about what I could do to keep away from the thought of Al creeping around.

                , too. Thanks. A manicure or pedicure would be heaven today.

                          Cindi, you can do it. You've been such a star to us. We are with you!

                          Hope all are well. Have a great saturday.


                            AF to the end of the month show ....!

                            (hands Universal a hanky) Here, take this. :l That must have been hard - one weep and I'm wanting to get wet on the inside too, so I know how you feel. You are feeling the real feelings and without Al you will be able to deal with them more honestly and realistically. You will get stronger and stronger. And just think how great you will feel at the end of January!!

                            Bessie xx


                              AF to the end of the month show ....!

                              Hello all, did'nt get to check in yesterday or till now . Day 6 here, hit a small bump in the road last night but am proud of myself. Went to dinner with friends and had 2 glasses of wine. The correct pour, not a large glass to the top like I'd have at home and call it one when it probably equals 2-3. Some one stated earlier about driving, I met these friends 1/2 away (my husband is out of town and usually baby sits and drives me) ,and was scared Shitless to drive home so hopefully that was a motivator. I just know all those times in the past when someone from up above was watching out for my stupid drunk ass could run out any time. Got home and watched this 8 mile movie, a movie that my husband would never watch. (I have very diverse music taste and was curious ) Poured a glass of wine and did'nt finish it, swithced to water. A big step since a movie and evening with a glass of wine usually equal sleep for me. I just felt a little like a normal person and am determined to stick with all of you for the long haul. Shoveled a path in the snow to my hot tub which I will try later for relaxation and sleep. Best to you all, thanks for this thread.


                                AF to the end of the month show ....!

                                Hey guys,

                                Just checking in to see how everyone did this weekend. It's Sunday, only 5 days left. I am on day 7 - doing okay, have had some AF beers and wine but didn't open the real stuff so I'm starting to feel stronger! I am listening to Croft and not using AF drinks as a crutch but thinking of them as a healthy choice - I could have easily grabbed a real beer, a real bottle of wine or some real AL - I do have it in the house (I just can't pour 16 bottles of vintage wine down the drain..........just can't bring myself to do it).....So I am pretty proud of the fact that I have stayed AF when there is actually real alcohol IN MY HOUSE AND ACCESSIBLE!!! And really, what is wrong with enjoying an AF beer? NOTHING!!!! I don't wake up with a hangover, I don't act stupid or not remember if I phoned someone or if I said something awful to my daughter! I just enjoy a nice drink and all is good! I think I like it! So screw all those who say that we should not enjoy AF drinks! I'm with Croft - good healthy choice.

                                Hope everyone else is still on the roadshow and doing well.

                                Take care guys! I'll check in later!
                                Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.

