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AF to the end of the month show ....!

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    AF to the end of the month show ....!

    Morning All,

    This has been some fun ride. We sure don't have to worry about AL because I can see from the previous posts, he already has had the crap kicked out of him :b&d:

    Poohbear, I here you about now being able to pick up your son & his friends from the movies since you were AF. Same with me, my husband always did the picking up and dropping off, since I was always under the influence of AL :bonkers:

    Suki I love your new Avatar........he is so adorable !! And lukalee, I love those mooning butts also. Sure wish I had them for my Outlook email at work

    Have a great day everyone !
    Miss October :blinkylove:


      AF to the end of the month show ....!

      Morning all.
      I hope today finds you all well, and NOT hung over WOOHOO AF.

      I too love the mooning butts. Too cute!.

      wonder....good show! You tell AL right where to go...for all of us!

      Going to go read and have my coffee. It is 5:30am here.

      Good job everyone.

      much love and hugs,
      Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


        AF to the end of the month show ....!

        Made it through last night. Great job everyone!!!!
        Goal 1: Today
        Goal 2: Tomorrow


          AF to the end of the month show ....!

          we got this thing rollin' now kids...lets take it to the house!


            AF to the end of the month show ....!

            Good to hear everyone's support for each other! I'm so glad that we are doing this together!

            Way to go wonder, you tell AL where to go - everyone else, if you're getting a craving, go back and read that! We can ALL tell AL where to go - together!

            9 more days - we can do this - today will be tough for some, day 3 is generally hard so get on here, read the posts, chat if you need to, pm someone if you need to, take some kudzo or L-GLUT and LETS KICK AL'S ASS!!!!!!

            Love and hugs and support!
            Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


              AF to the end of the month show ....!

              I am in!


                AF to the end of the month show ....!

                Hi everyone, just managed another af day. Feeling quite pleased.
                Love Paula.


                  AF to the end of the month show ....!

                  Riding to catch up!

                  I am 22 days AF but this morning I just feel like :bonkers: :bonkers: :bonkers: I came to the boards to change my attitude and found this. I need this - so I'm riding my pony to catch up with Ya'll - I need support to get to the end of the month.
                  AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

                  Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

                  (from the Movie "Once")


                    AF to the end of the month show ....!

                    Good morning everyone! Made it through day 1! didn't have any cravings. Although I didn't sleep well, it was great to wake up without Mr. hangover :yay: I was tired, but I just smiled knowing I made it through yesterday without alcohol. Enjoy the rest of your day:goodjob:
                    "Love is large, love defies limits. People talk about the sanctity of is by definition sacred. Not some love between some people but all love between all people" ~ Jennifer Beals


                      AF to the end of the month show ....!

                      Good midmorning all, Day three and doing ok, will be tough the next couple of days though. Just found out a dear friend (age 35) had a stroke and is in hospital sedation at the moment with no clear prognosis yet. I could sure use your prayers for her to pull thru. Times like this ya think you need a drink to numb things but I will not !!!!!!!


                        AF to the end of the month show ....!

                        Hi Everyone! Touching base...on day 4 AF. Have been lurking the last few days, and its helping really pull things into perspective. Each and every thread and post is so valuable on this site. To Patty(Ms. Not so Happy hour) ....on the thread I started about forgiving oneself. I am still speechless. I have printed off that page and held it close it to my heart. She has truly touched my soul with her words....and have just been speechless and hanging onto to her every word. Dexter...I also nominate her for the Holistic MWO counselor!!!! Patty, I know we have PM'd, will get back to that thread. Still speechless....and that is good. ~Love and Hugs~ to everyone!!!! We really can do this. Honestly, If little Ms. Drunken binge every night here can do it, you all can too!!!!!!!!!! And damn't I'm going to do it. Thats it. It will not be easy....wait, yes, IT WILL BE EASY!!!! Maybe we need to get to that witching hour and instead of saying, OMG...we say, hey this is damn easy, I feel good! I hate AL, I hate what it has done. He (beer and hard AL) and she (wine)...tee hee. can go straight to fucking hell!!!! Just now able to speak again after Patty's post....Thank you hon, you have no idea what that meant!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                        This is no longer a drinking's a matter of Life or Death!!!


                          AF to the end of the month show ....!

                          Hello All - day 4 AF for me today. This is a hard evening for me as this is typically my drinking night. Hubby is gone every wednesday evening and this is the only night I can drink and don't have to hide it. I really am craving but fortunantly I don't have any in the house and will have no way to go and buy some as DH will be taking my car. Ughhhhhhhh why oh why!!!! I hate the fact that I want to drink - but I really don't want to drink. Does that make sense. Ok I will thank myself in the morning when I don't wake up with a hangover and don't wake up remorseful and when I am completely sober when DH comes home tonight - that will be a SHOCK for him :shocked:

                          adios for now

                          when you fail at something is when you learn and grow the most


                            AF to the end of the month show ....!

                            Hang in there everyone!!! We can do this!!!!
                            Goal 1: Today
                            Goal 2: Tomorrow


                              AF to the end of the month show ....!

                              Morning! Are we all still here??? I hope everyone is going ok.

                              Feeling like I drank last night - I didn't but I did eat a whole load of crappy, carbohydratey, cholately stuff just to keep myself away from Al and instead of drinking a whole bottle of wine, read a whole book!! Which meant I didn't get to sleep til gone midnight. Still I got through the evening! Only 8 days to go now people!!!! This time next week we'll have nearly done it!!

                              I keep forgetting to take the supps - gotta get those back into my routine.... what's everyone else using to help?

                              Have a good day all. Keep posting here and letting us know how you are doing. The show is still on the road!!

                              Bessie xxx


                                AF to the end of the month show ....!

                                ... that's chocolatey stuff, obviously. My spelling goes to rats on these boards!

                                B xx

