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Newbies in need ODAT - Thursday

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    Newbies in need ODAT - Thursday

    Cindi, sorry to hear that - it's hard when you don't remember if you have hidden anything - but you are going to do great! You have done it before! You can do it again.

    Just a quick hi as I'm busy at work today - DAY 4 for me - last night actually was pretty easy for me, I figured it would be harder as it was Day 3 but I think with the cold that I have I wasn't really in the mood for a drink. Hope I can make it past day 5 and 7 which I know are also toughies.........But I am determined.

    Have a great day everyone!

    Love and hugs,
    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


      Newbies in need ODAT - Thursday

      Hello everybody, I do understand your question. Your husband really seems to care. Try to
      keep on track Cindi, I depend on you.
      Love Paula. XX


        Newbies in need ODAT - Thursday

        Just dropping in to say hello to everyone and wishing yoy all the best for today and to nite.

        Take care.x
        family is everything to me


          Newbies in need ODAT - Thursday

          Good Day to all!
          Just dropping in to say HI to all my friends here at MWO! Hven't had the energy to post much the last couple of days. I went to work yesterday (first time since surgery) and of course overdid it, so am trying to reduce some swelling etc. today and not at the office. However, thank to modern communications I am "able" to work from home to some degree.
          Still A/F since Jan 9.
          War isn't working. Let's try Peace!


            Newbies in need ODAT - Thursday

            Hi Bald Head and others...BHOG, you take it easy, do you hear me? You are a MAN and y'all are the worst patients---eager to get back in the saddle! You need time to heal, so don't overdo, okay? Make Mrs. BHOG spoil you a little while longer...
            Jane Jane


              Newbies in need ODAT - Thursday

              Cindi: Keep your head up. Drive those thoughts out of your head. For me, it's not my body as much as it's my head that's craving. I'm sober today & that's the important thing. Enough is enough! M
              Wisdom, Courage, Strength
              October 3, 2012


                Newbies in need ODAT - Thursday

                Hi all, I'm at work and only have a minute...............I had the most amaing meal at my favorite restaurant last night. Ginger curried Lobster! It was a great evening EXCEPT for AL. I guess thats waht happenes when you get fault. I didn't over do it but it doesn't matter I knew what I was doing............the wrong side of moderate..................( I like that Bessie, I'm stealing it! ) The good news is that before I would have come home and searched for anything that remotely smelled of alcohol and finished it and pass out. That wasn't the case last night and I think I have all you guys to thank for that. I have so improved in all aspects of my life since I've been here. I'm pretty sure now that my depression was caused by AL because of the way I feel since being AF. I don't remember waking up happy?! I don't feel I'm in prison anymore and I can actually watch others enjoy and not droule. I have never been fitter, jogging 3 x week and I even managed to loose a couple of lbs.......... I read! All these changes when I stop and think about what I've achieved bring a tear to my eye. Really. So here I am again, but you know what, AL doesn't live here anymore. He's packing.

                So Bessie 1-0 your favor..................bring it on!!


                  Newbies in need ODAT - Thursday

                  Almost forgot............I want to place a picture of my choosing. Not from the library...........anyone out there can give me step by step? I have MAC............don't know if that makes a difference. I want everyone to see my doggie Ringo...............


                    Newbies in need ODAT - Thursday

                    Finally, click on User CP and then Edit Avatar, if you scroll down you should be able to upload your own picture. Best wishes, Janicexx
                    AF since 9 May 2012
                    Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                      Newbies in need ODAT - Thursday

                      Ginger curried lobster. YUM. But, you didn't overdo it. Your own comment. It is a process. You've changed the way you deal with AL. You are more aware of what you do, how you act. As Martha would say, it's a good thing. You've sent AL packing. Just make sure you don't buy him a ticket to Boston!

                      Looking forward to seeing Ringo!


                        Newbies in need ODAT - Thursday

                        Mary - please know we all still love and admire you here, you really are an inspiration to us. Nobody is perfect.

                        FinallyRN, I am a mac user too, if you have trouble getting Ringo up as your avatar, send me a private message, I'll walk ya through it.

                        (I'm an IT person)
                        Be of good cheer. Do not think of today's failures, but of the success that may come tomorrow. You have set yourselves a difficult task, but you will succeed if you persevere; and you will find joy in overcoming obstacles (Helen Keller)

