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The strangest few weeks.

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    The strangest few weeks.

    I found this site a few weeks ago and it really has helped me reduce my alcohol intake.
    I lasted 7 days last week but had a few on monday night, was only planning 3 or 4 beers but ended up having 7.

    Felt like shit all day tuesday, remembering how great I felt all last week AF and only to be back to square 1. Tuesday was really tough because I desperately crave a beer after a few the night before.
    My head is in such a spin, I feel great when I am not drinking yet would still love to be a normal drinker.
    And I feel like ALCOHOL is on my mind 24/7..

    I am going to have a few drinks on Saturday night but whats pissing me off is that I will be dying for a few on Sunday and I so desperately want to get out of the rut I was in.

    Monday 7-8 pints.
    Tuesday 3-4 sneaky ones.
    Wednedsay AF (TOUGH DAY)
    Thursday Half bottle wine , 3 sneaky pints.
    Fri - Sunday 20 ish pints.

    The last 2 weeks I have reduced dramatically but its tough going, even though I have felt great at times.

    ALCOHOL ====== EVIL BASTARD :thanks: for listening

    The strangest few weeks.

    Are you trying the supplements or the cds? I don't think I would have made one day without them.
    It's personal, myself and I, we've got some straightening out to do. And I'm gonna miss you like a child misses their blanket but I've got to get a move on with my life.
    It's time to be a big girl now....


      The strangest few weeks.

      No, not yet, must look into it, nobody knows I even go on to this site , the alcohol habit is hid well, (sometimes) have found it a great help just reading posts knowing that I am not on my own in this battle.
      Can only log on twice a day for a short while, but am going to look into the cds/supps.

      Will take any help I can get. :thanks:


        The strangest few weeks.

        You are stepping in the right direction. I don't know about you, but my drinking habit was a slow process.... 20 something years to be exact. The last 5 years full blown. So in order to just quit "cold turkey" so to speak is a pretty big expectation of yourself. It will happen if you want it bad enough. Just keep trying!! Try your hardest to stay positive, despite your set backs. Take small steps is some of the best advice I was given. Take the supplements, your body is depleted of some of the essential vitamins and minerals it needs to function "normally". The kudzu helps also. Good luck and just keep trying!!


          The strangest few weeks.

          I have been coming to this site for about a week now. Really helps. but until I had the help of the kudzo herbal cocktail I could not do it. In fact, I took my first kudzo with a glass of champagne to celebrate.

