I lasted 7 days last week but had a few on monday night, was only planning 3 or 4 beers but ended up having 7.
Felt like shit all day tuesday, remembering how great I felt all last week AF and only to be back to square 1. Tuesday was really tough because I desperately crave a beer after a few the night before.
My head is in such a spin, I feel great when I am not drinking yet would still love to be a normal drinker.
And I feel like ALCOHOL is on my mind 24/7..
I am going to have a few drinks on Saturday night but whats pissing me off is that I will be dying for a few on Sunday and I so desperately want to get out of the rut I was in.
Monday 7-8 pints.
Tuesday 3-4 sneaky ones.
Wednedsay AF (TOUGH DAY)
Thursday Half bottle wine , 3 sneaky pints.
Fri - Sunday 20 ish pints.
The last 2 weeks I have reduced dramatically but its tough going, even though I have felt great at times.
ALCOHOL ====== EVIL BASTARD :thanks: for listening