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Newbies in need - ODAT - Friday

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    Newbies in need - ODAT - Friday

    Hi all,
    QUICK post as I keep having a hard time pulling away from here and end up running late!!!

    Universal - day 5 for me too!!!! Trying hard not to get too smug as those little voices whisper in my ear!! I agree with Satori - much easier to just assume I will stay AF instead of entertaining the possibility of mods!!

    Mary - hugs to you!! You continue to inspire me even when you struggle! Maybe even more so as we can never give up. Each day AF is a day NOT drinking!!! ODAT!!

    Janice - WOW. Two mornings in the pool. I am a swimmer also. The heater has been broken in our pool - my excuse but I HAVE to get back to it!!!! You are inspiring me!!

    MissOctober - weights - another thing I need inspiration for. Does your name mean that you are in a calendar - perhaps of body builders?

    Charlee - isn't it nice when you can put your husband's fears to "rest"!!

    Other ODATERS - let's charge into the weekend!!

    My daughter and I are on a LOST marathon. We are trying to watch the whole 3rd season this week before the 4th season premieres. So nice to not fall asleep in front of the TV!!!

    Happy Friday!!



      Newbies in need - ODAT - Friday

      We crossed posts!!!
      I am with you. I fall apart when I try to look too far ahead!!! Let me make it today!!!!


        Newbies in need - ODAT - Friday

        It's a crisp, cold day here. I couldn't enjoy it if I was drunk or hungover. Yay. M
        Wisdom, Courage, Strength
        October 3, 2012


          Newbies in need - ODAT - Friday

          hey all!

          I am hanging in there and moderated last night, physical therapy is KILLING ME, but I know "no pain no gain", right!!?? First day in the pool, boy am I sore today.............:upset:

          I plan on starting an AF string of days definitely Sun or Mon- the rest of the week, I travel to Las Vegas, which I have done sober many times, and I will be alone, so intend on vegging in my room during down time instead of at the bars.......

          Trying to go to an AA meeting Sat night, which will keep me sober then, then Sunday another 8PM meeting to get me through that day
          Just checking in today, and whishing you all success no matter what your goals!!!

          Love and hugs!!:l

          :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


            Newbies in need - ODAT - Friday

            Mary Anne,

            I am so sorry your therapy is painful. Hopefully the healing will begin soon and that will lessen for you. :l

            Keep moderating until AF, girl, no "last hurrahs," Okay? Those always end up badly.

            Good luck in Vegas. Tough town for me...

            AF April 9, 2016


              Newbies in need - ODAT - Friday

              Suki, I like you, read Satori's post and it hit me how right he was. Since Jan 1st I've had wine 4 times, so almost once a week. Twice I pushed the levels of moderation but had not been hungover, the other times were just a be able to say this is amazing! I sometimes don't believe I did it. BUt this last time it occurred to me that being AF doesn't require any effort because there are no choices. You don't have to think about if you've had enough. Is it 2 or 3 glasses? Its like you're never free because there will always be a challenge. Its something I have been thinking about since my habits have changed.............we will see.


                Newbies in need - ODAT - Friday

                Hi all of you ... am really going to try tonight, my nondrinking friend is coming up from Chicago tonight. My friend, about 10 years ago, went to work drunk, got sent straight to rehab, and hasn't touched a drink since. And the Heath Ledger thing this week reminded me that my friend sat next to Chris Farley (Saturday Night Live actor who died from massive drug/AL overdose) at an AA meeting a couple days before Farley died. Really scary stuff that makes me want to clean up my act. so I am praying for an AF weekend. you are all so inspirational ... and I am NEVER going to start this thread so I will not get into that competition
                :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!

