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    Just reading some posts and got to thinking, why? why do I drink. I think one of the reasons is not to feel, because when I drink it makes me feel numb and I liked that feeling, but I don't know why I should want to feel numb, as life is not so bad, now I have not drank for a little while. I do feel quite miserable a lot of the time, but its early days yet, so what if I am, people still like me, want to be with me, care about me, love me. Maybe it's something about self esteem and needing to feel different to who I really am, as though who I really am is not good enough?

    And then there's this fear of being alone, of being abandoned, of rejection by people, of having no-one, or nothing, and the frightening worry of that, because I isolated myself from people in the past a long time ago and it was a terrible place to be, alone with my inner turmoil. But that was then and this is now, and I'm ok, and will be ok, somehow I just know, I'll not go back to those feelings because I like other people and need other people.

    Really, thinking about it, when I'm drinking, I worry so much about drinking, that I was almost back there anyway, and by trying not to drink, at least I'm not feeling ashamed and guilty all the time.

    Just trying to work things through



    Hi GeordieGirl! Welcome - I'm an old hand around here so hopefully have some ability to help you some.... I haven't had a drink for nearly 13 months now. But I started drinking 10 years ago mostly to stop thinking too much, stop the anxiety and stop the lonliness. By the time I'd sorted all that out I was a drunk and then had to tackle the drink.

    To succssessfully stop drinking (or moderate) you really have to work out what you get from it - are you still drinking because you are bored? Lonely? anxious? Once you start really dealing with them (I used a counsellor and this place) you can start dealing with the physical addiction. Drugs like campral work well.

    If you really want to stop, you have to do what ever it takes. I mean everything you can think of. Not just one thing, all things. Change friends, change jobs, change family if you have to. REad, write and read here/ get a counsellor/ move house, write in a journal. It's a wonderful journey, one that I have really really enjoyed.

    I really know myself now. That's what it took.
    It always seems impossible until it's done....



      Thanks Flip. It's, interesting to read that you have 'enjoyed' the journey, I expect not to enjoy it. Tonights saturday night here and I'm staying home, drinking Tonic water and eating taco chips and trying to be good. Already I'm feeling the changes taking effect. The friends that I used to go out drinking with, I have, so far, avoided seeing and telling. I feel I want to keep this fairly low key right now, as I don't want to keep having to explain myself. I havent been into a bar yet, maybe tomorrow, I havent been into a restaurant yet, and had a meal without having wine. It feels like I've lost a big part of myself, and Im coming to terms with the change right now.

      Thanks for the kind words of advice




        hi there.. geordiegirl.. it sounds like you are on the right path keep on posting .there is one thing about me i felt like telling my friends what i am and they are with me and helping me. but that just me and going out to eat.i live in florida and there a bar in almost every place i eat at.the way i look at it to face your fears headon..but that just me good luck and have a great day
        :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
        best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..



          It's sad,
          We all have reasons to drink. (or we make-up reason to do the same.) I tell my friends that I drink to forget ! What am I trying to forget.....Don't know I forgot ! But really we need to comfront our problem. AA or any other method is good. IAD
          ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
          those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
          Dr. Seuss



            Your post is an inspiration to me. THANK-YOU It has been a hard day.



              Hi tlrgs
              It's good that you had the courage to tell your friends, and it's good that they are being supportive. They should help you, that's what true friends do, help you when they can. I have always tried to be supportive and considerate to friends of mine who have been trying to stop doing some addictive behaviour. I remember how hard it was when I stopped smoking.
              Today I was able to go in a Restaurant and have a meal where other people were drinking, and I didn't drink. It's the first time I have done that, and it's a milestone for me.



                Hi IAD
                Your post made me laugh, that you forgot what you were drinking to forget, aint it just the way.........
                thanks for the support, It's good that we can laugh at ourselves




                  Thanks loveuall. Im so glad that I gave a bit of inspiration to you. Sorry to hear that it's been a hard day. Hope tomorrow is better for you
                  Keep strong

