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ALone tonight and doing well - a first!

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    ALone tonight and doing well - a first!

    Hi all -

    I havent' been on here much - been finding projects for all this new found energy and free time. I am finishing up day 17 AF and feel great. Tonight my husband and daughter are at the annual Father-Daughter dance (so sweet!) and I am home alone. The last three years this has been a night for me to pop a couple of hidden bottles of champagne, pig out and drink and then not remember many of the details they tell me when they get home.
    Not tonight. Ok - I still had a favorite dinner treat of mine but no dessert or Al. I'll be bright eyed and ready to hear all about it when they come in. Feels great. When I went out to pick up dinner I realized how weird it felt not to be swinging by the liquor store but patted myself on the back and moved on.

    Hope everyone else is having a successful weekend in whatever stage they are.

    Life is good.
    Member since January 2008
    AF since August 25, 2008

    ALone tonight and doing well - a first!

    TiredofHiding;261871 wrote:

    Life is good.
    Yup! It sure is.

    Thanks for your post. It made me smile.


      ALone tonight and doing well - a first!

      Awesome, TOH! :l

      Tampa, FL


        ALone tonight and doing well - a first!

        hi there.. great job keep it up and yes life is so good
        :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
        best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


          ALone tonight and doing well - a first!

          Well Done, TOH.... you'll be happy tomorrow when you awake with no hangover and you remember everything that went on at the dance...

          17 days is great!



            ALone tonight and doing well - a first!

            Hell yeah TOH great job! You deserved that pat on the back for passing up the liquor store!:goodjob:


              ALone tonight and doing well - a first!

              Hi toh...and well done,you feel great and deserve it
              Mwo,s worst speller....


                ALone tonight and doing well - a first!

                That description of the "before" version sounds very very familiar!! Not remembering any of the details the next morning and having to be very very careful with my questions so that my daughter won't realize that I've lost memory...and the shame! It is dreadful.
                Great job, I agree it feels awesome to have a clear head and recall. Last night I attended my oldest's swim meet, then took her to indoor soccer--unbelievable! A Saturday night, completely sober, spending time with my daughter....very rewarding. Keep up the good work Tired!


                  ALone tonight and doing well - a first!

                  That is GREAT! You managed one of the most tempting situations.......


                    ALone tonight and doing well - a first!

                    TOH, thats good of you, know what you might have never had time to see the smile in your daughters face when she comes back home after alovely time out with her father, since the bottle couln't give you that chance now you have it and tommorow morning see how you feel


                      ALone tonight and doing well - a first!

                      Well done!!!!!!!!

                      :H :goodjob: TOH, well, done for being AF for 17 days. Im glad you feel good about it. It is a big achievement.
                      Keep strong



                        ALone tonight and doing well - a first!

                        17 days is great... minute to minute is great too... You are an inspiration!!!
                        I hope the dance went well.
                        Sunny Out Looks are Contagious!


                          ALone tonight and doing well - a first!

                          :goodjob: :goodjob: :goodjob: :goodjob:

                          Suze xx
                          Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


                            ALone tonight and doing well - a first!

                            Thank you all for your encouragement and understanding. This morning I didn't feel like an idiot asking a question I asked last night. I feel like I am giving my family a gift through all of this and THAT makes me very happy.

                            I hope everyone has a great Sunday.
                            Member since January 2008
                            AF since August 25, 2008


                              ALone tonight and doing well - a first!

                              That was me too asking the same thing from the night before....wince

                              Good job 17 days wow especially while alone with takeout food!

                              I always eat more when I drink. Made pasta last night at 10 pm...after dinner...all because I was drinking wine.

                              all the best... big hug!!

