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First time, hopefully not the last time

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    First time, hopefully not the last time

    Just wanted to say that today, I went in a Restaurant with my partner and had a meal and didn't have a drink. Other people were drinking all around me, but I resisted and it was OK. Its a bit of a milestone for me, as is sitting here tonight having almost got through my second weekend without a drink.

    Thanks, just needed to share that:H


    First time, hopefully not the last time

    Glad you shared!!! It's a great start. And sharing is a good place to be.
    Thinking of you.
    Sunny Out Looks are Contagious!


      First time, hopefully not the last time

      Good girl!! Wtg! Be proud. :l
      Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


        First time, hopefully not the last time

        :goodjob: GeordieGirl.......I find once you get past the initial 'no thanks...I'll have a soft drink' it all gets easier.....and the real payoff is that you don't feel wasted when you get home and there's no hangover the next day!

        Well're doing great! :h

        Suze x
        Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


          First time, hopefully not the last time

          hi there.. great job keep it up. it only gets easier
          :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
          best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


            First time, hopefully not the last time

            hiya geordie girl (u from Newcastle originally?)

            That's a big one for me too. I've not been out for a meal yet, I'm 27 days AF today and going for 90 days. I posted before that AF is for me and moderation is not but the voice has been annoying me recently telling me that it won't hurt to try a glass of wine now and again when I'm out for a meal, that could be the rule!

            But I feel I'm wise enough now to know that the glass of wine only when out for a meal won't work but I still feel sad as I love a glass of wine with a meal, help...
            Honour Thyself


              First time, hopefully not the last time

              :thumbs: good for you GG:thumbs: :thumbs:
              :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


                First time, hopefully not the last time

                Emily, 28 days is so friggin awesome!!! You know that was hard won, getting by the first 5 days, the first weekend, the 2nd weekend... now you feel good and the little voice is trying to trick you, don't let it! You can ask for help here at day 2 or day 28... we are here for you! Don't do it, the feeling will pass in just a minute!!
                The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.


                  First time, hopefully not the last time

                  Good for you!! Being out for dinner is one my hardest times to resist. So I am extremely impressed.

