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Newbies in Need - ODAT - MONDAY

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    Newbies in Need - ODAT - MONDAY


    Spain!! Have a GREAT time RN!! You may have to have some sangria while there, just ENJOY, we all will be looking forward to hearing about the fun you had on the trip!!

    I am heading to Las Vegas on Thurs, but mostly business.................they do drink ALOT at these meetings and airports are a danger spot for me...........have done this before sober, will give it a go this time too, but not beat myself up esp if I can moderate ok..............

    love you guys!!!:h :l

    :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


      Newbies in Need - ODAT - MONDAY

      Hi all:
      Usually read, but don't often post to this thread, but I'm so excited!!

      Today I went to my doctor and got a prescripton for Topamax. I'm so excited to start "the program"( Topo, CDs supps). I set a goal to be AF in Janaury, and have had about 19 AF days and did moderate on the other days. But was looking ahead to February and wondering about my goal for that (I know that is not exactly ODAT thinking). I'ts hard for me to ask for things, but he was a peach about it; he also reviewed all the supps and said he thought this was a good plan.

      AND he refilled my antidepressant so that I don't have to go back to a shrink that I don't like. AND he gave me a referral to a specialist to help with a shoulder problem that keeps me from playing tennis.
      So I'm a happy banana today, and wanted to share that with all of you!

      I will not drink today. For the new folks, I find the Drink Tracker on this site (under Miscellaneous in the Forum menu) a big help in tracking my progress.

      Have a great day everybody!



        Newbies in Need - ODAT - MONDAY

        Where did my morning go? It's almost 11 AM here in now snowy Utah...storm jsut hit the valley a few minutes ago and it is snowing hard...roads are already covered. This will make a nasty commute on the way home tonight.
        Day 20 AF I can't belive it! i feel so different...
        War isn't working. Let's try Peace!


          Newbies in Need - ODAT - MONDAY

          Hey All -

          I just found this site. What is the best way to come down off alcohol. When I try, I get the shakes. Is there something to take?



            Newbies in Need - ODAT - MONDAY

            Imoutru2 - the amino acid complex is helpful - as is evening primrose oil - also, lots and lots of water!!!!
            Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


              Newbies in Need - ODAT - MONDAY


              Thanks, Universal....

              I need all the help I can get. How about sports drinks, like Gatoraide? Will the shakes and twitching ever stop?:new:


                Newbies in Need - ODAT - MONDAY


                They will help, Gatorade has electrolytes to help you w/ dehydration..............if you really are bad you may want to go to a doctor though, they can give you medicine which could prevent seizures and other problems w/ dts................ Just be careful, not to scare you............

                love and hugs:h :l ........GOOD LUCK, keep us posted as to how you are doing...........

                :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                  Newbies in Need - ODAT - MONDAY

                  Miss October;262566 wrote:
                  Do you expect too much when you try to increase your physical activity? Success often leads to more success, but very high goals often lead to frustration. Start slow and set realistic goals for yourself. For example, unless you are already very active, don?t set your new goal as 60 minutes of vigorous exercise every day. Instead consider starting with activities like brisk walking for 10 - 15 minutes several days a week. By conquering smaller goals first, you are more likely to continue.
                  Thank you for that Miss October. As I keep whining (not wine-ing) here, I have a really hard time setting any long term goals. I think this is why I am drawn to the ODAT thread, because I really only can see as far as the day ahead of me. Looking too far down the road is intimidating, and I'm so afraid of "failure" which always results in "giving up" and just going back to my old ways.

                  I have been setting small attainable goals each day for my exercise and my drinking. I'm experiencing much success this way. Do I have 30 AF days under my belt? Hell no, but I have way more than I've had in years, and I've cut back so much I can't believe it's true.

                  Your post made me feel "successful" even though I don't have a big # with an AF beside it.
                  I'm sure some might think this is "delaying the inevitable" or just waffling. For me, it's been the best 3 weeks I've had in many many years. I'll take my baby steps, thank you.
                  Be of good cheer. Do not think of today's failures, but of the success that may come tomorrow. You have set yourselves a difficult task, but you will succeed if you persevere; and you will find joy in overcoming obstacles (Helen Keller)

