Suze makes great suggestions. They are all ones I learned when I quit smoking using the ALA online program. Of course we joked around about the F.A.R.T. approach, which was "Food and Alcohol Replacement Therapy". How true that became for me. I quit smoking and started drinking more.
The list of things was really helpful to me. If i wanted to smoke, I had to do 10 things first before I could smoke. If I did all 10 things and still wanted to smoke, I could. One of them was call my husband and tell him I was going to smoke (once I called him and he was so mad at me that day he said "FINE SMOKE!"...almost backfired on me). One of them was to stare at a picture of my kids for 60 seconds, one was to post 5 messages on the ALA message board...etc. etc.
It was really helpful to me to have that list. I had forgotten about that strategy, THANKS SUZE!!!