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there goes another one

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    there goes another one

    my little girl just rang me from London and told me she hated me and that I had runied her life. Choice now do I drink on that or ignore it saying sorry doesnt cut it anymore:upset:

    there goes another one


    Pretty sure drinking on it will only make it worse and make you feel worse.

    What do you think?

    Chew on it sober and think of something positive you can do.

    AF April 9, 2016


      there goes another one

      UAE LisaL

      She sounds just like a young girl. Remember her Lisa? Well at least it's hard to get booze in the streets in UAE. She'll get over it and so shall U.
      Long Road
      Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission--
      Eleanor Roosevelt


        there goes another one

        she is 26 with a disabled daughter and she drinks too, she is angry with me and quite rightly so but I did point out that her choices in life weren't mine. Drunk or sober mums always get the blame, although she had very valid points I must say.


          there goes another one

          You didn't ruin her life. Her life is what she chooses to make of it. Making wrong choices makes one want to place blame but that doesn't mean the blame must be accepted.
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            there goes another one

            thats true but I always feel that If I hadnt been the way I was when she was growing up maybe she would have made better choices for herself. The most scary thing is that I have an 8 year old little boy whose life I dont want to destroy either. She is now blaming me for her inability to cope with her daughter (who is hard I must admit) but there is only so much you can be blamed for surely!!

            I dont blame my dad for being a drunk (not anymore anyway) or my mum for being so depressed that we ended up in homes because she couldnt cope well I did for the first 30 years of my life but not anymore we do stuff and dont mean to hurt those we love but we have to take back some responsibility dont we.............or am I just sidesteping the issue because I cant take any more condemnation


              there goes another one

              I have a daughter that is currently making bad choices. I have another one that is making excellent choices. That tells me that they have both made those choices on their own and not because of me. They have the same mom and yet are leading very different lives.

              So, you can't blame yourself.

              Clearly drinking this issue to death is not the answer, but if you slip forgive yourself and move on. If you don't drink then celebrate!

