It is a grocery store where all the food costs 3 times as much as a regular grocery store. Your fellow shoppers include registered democrats of the doctor and lawer variety, leftover hippies from the 70's and Michael Pollen picking up a few things he did not have in his back yard. The magazine stands are filled with Yoga Digest, Yoga for You and Yoga World and even the chocolate and bubble gum is healthy. If you have not hugged a tree during the course of your life you will be required to do so before leaving the store.
I made my way to the beverage isle and was suddenly amazed by an abundant selection of bottled water. There must have been 20 different varieties. Some even in glass bottles. Blue, glass bottles! I loaded up my cart with one, sometimes two of each. Shoved my cart to the check-out stand and paid $285.36 for the finest water money can buy.
I am hosting a tasting at my place on Friday night - BE THERE!
But, really, I am very much looking forward to drinking water from fancy bottles tomorrow. My latest crutch! Now for the fancy glass.....hmmmmm....
PS: Shoving a grocery cart loaded with water through a snow and ice caked parking lot is a great workout. Be sure to park really far away to get the greatest benefit.